The Bad Book

The Bad Book

The Bad Book is a book by Andy Griffiths, who was responsible for the novel "The Day My Bum Went Psycho", and Terry Denton, who also did the illustrations. It was released in the year 2004. It is a compilation of 'bad' stories, drawings, rhymes and poems about such quirky characters like 'Bad Baby', and 'Bad Daddy' doing such bad things like miss-throwing knives, and blowing up objects and people at Christmas.

tories (in chronological order)

"The Bad Book" contains forty-five stories overall.

*Bad Jack Horner - Nursery Rhyme

*Bad Humpty Dumpty - Nursery Rhyme

*Bad Diddle Diddle - Nursery Rhyme

*The Bad Ant - Story

*Joan Purst - Limerick

*Greedy Little Grace - Poem

*Bad Daddy and the Big Swing - Cartoon

*Badtown - Story

*The Old Lady who swallowed a Poo - Song

*The Girl Who Slammed Doors - Limerick

*Bad Riddles - Jokes

*The Sad Bad Bad-man - Story

*Little Willy - Poem

*Jeff Pest - Limerick

*Bad Mummy And The Very Busy Six-Lane Hig-way - Cartoon

*Penny McRose - Poem

*Bad Terrence - Poem

*Bad Baby - Cartoon

*Silly Billy - Poem

*Very Bad Riddles - Jokes

*The Bad Little Boy, His Father and the Very Tall Mountain - Story

*Bad Little Betty - Poem

*Bad Daddy Says 'No' - Cartoon

*Little Snotty Steve - Poem

*Bad Baby's Christmas - Cartoon

*Ruth Punny - Limerick

*Pirates, Trucks, Bombs, Sharks, Dinosaurs and Football - Story

*The Bad Knife-Thrower - Cartoon

*The Girl Who Asks Too Many Questions - Story

*Pete Pedderson - Limerick

*Bad Mummy and the Big Cliff - Cartoon

*The Bad Old Duke of York - Story

*The Bad Granny - Story

*Little Bad Riding Hood - Story

*Peter, Peter Junk-food Eater - Poem

*The Bad Builder - Story

*Ed & Ted and Ted's Bad Dog Fred - Story (Similar writing in The Cat On The Mat Is Flat)

*Very, Very Bad Riddles - Jokes

*If You're Bad and You Know it - Song

*The Day Nothing Bad Happened - Story

*Bad Mummy and the Very Hungry Lion - Cartoon

*Very, Very, Very Bad Riddles - Jokes

*Bad Baby at the Circus - Cartoon

*Badword Puzzle - Puzzle

*The Very Bad Story - Story

*The Very, Very Bad Story - Story

*The Very, Very, Very Bad Story - Story


*The drawings of the character, 'Bad Daddy' changes between stories about him. When he first appeared in 'Bad Daddy and the Big Swing', he was thin, and had a moustache. When he made his next appearance in 'Bad Daddy Says "No"', he was a lot more podgier, and had no facial hair.

*'Ed and Ted and Ted's Bad Dog Fred' later appeared in another Andy Griffiths book called The Cat On The Mat Is Flat, but its dialog and drawings were changed:
**The story was renamed 'Ed and Ted and Ted's Dog Fred' and the 'bad' was dropped.
**None of the characters actually die in the new version. Instead, they all fall off a cliff, and are about to drown, but get swallowed by a whale named 'Ned'. They later manage to escape from Ned's stomach by getting spurted out of Ned's spout, and parachute down onto the ground with a handkerchief that was in Ed's pocket. Later, when they are safe, Fred now likes Ed, after he rescued Fred and Ted.
**Ed and Ted's beards are scruffier, and less thick.
**This version did not mention that the sled was also red.

*In 'The Very Very, Very Bad Story', the word 'badder' went on for ten pages straight.

*The Bad Ant appears later in other pages, driving his sports car, leaving a track behind him.

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