Pontius Aquila

Pontius Aquila

Pontius Aquila (died 43 BC) was a tribune of the plebs, probably in the year 45 BC. During one of Julius Caesar's triumphs, he did not stand as the procession passed by. This irritated Caesar so much, he cried out "Come then, Aquila, take back the republic from me, you tribune" and for several days he would not make a promise to any one without adding, "That is, if Pontius Aquila will allow me."

This act probably resulted in a feud between the two, as Pontius became one of Caesar's assassins. After the Ides of March, he served Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus as a legate in Cisalpine Gaul. He defeated T. Munatius Plancus, and drove him out of Pollentia. However, he fell in the Battle of Mutina, in which Aulus Hirtius decisively defeated Mark Antony.


* [http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/suetonius-julius.html Suetonius: The Life of Julius Caesar] (J. C. Rolfe English translation, modified)
*Smith, William (editor); "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology", [http://www.ancientlibrary.com/smith-bio/0262.html "Aquillius (2)"] , Boston, (1867)

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