- Liver abscess
Caption =
DiseasesDB = 22094
ICD10 = ICD10|K|75|0|k|70
ICD9 = ICD9|572.0
MedlinePlus =
eMedicineSubj = med
eMedicineTopic = 1316
MeshID = D008100
A liverabscess is a pus-filled mass inside or attached to theliver . Common causes are an abdominal infection such asappendicitis ordiverticulitis . With treatment, the death rate is 10-30%.cite web | url=http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000261.htm | title='MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Pyogenic liver abscess']Types
There are three major forms of liver abscess, classified by
etiology :* Pyogenic abscess, which is most often polymicrobial, accounts for 80% of hepatic abscess cases in the United States.
* Amoebic abscess due to "Entamoeba histolytica " accounts for 10% of cases.
* Fungal abscess, most often due to "Candida" species, accounts for less than 10% of cases.Amoebic liver abscess
* 1. Symptoms
* Pain RightHypochondrium referred to Right shoulder
*Pyrexia (100.4 F)
* Profused sweating and Rigors
* Loss of Weight
* Earthy Complexion
* 2. Signs
* Tenderness and rigidity in right hypochondrium
* Palpable Liver
*Intercostal Tenderness
* Basal Lung SignsDiagnosis
* Blood CP
*Haemoglobin Estimation
*Stool s Examination (Trophozoite s andCyst s)
*Aspiration Exploratory
*Medical ultrasonography andCT Scan ning
*Liver function tests
*Serological TestsManagement
Metronidazole 800mg TDS for 5-10 days
* Aspiration
* Repeated Imaging Of LiverPyogenic liver abscess
Streptococcus milleri
*E. coli
*Streptococcus fecalis
*Proteus vulgaris
* Opportunistic Pathogens (Staphylococcus )Clinical features
* 1.
Acute Abscess
* Discomfort in Right Upper Quadrant Of Abdomen
* Enlarged and Tender Liver
*Pleural effusion * 2.
Chronic Abscess
* Fever
* Abdominal discomfort
* Enlarged LiverDiagnosis
* Blood CP (No
Leucocytosis )
*Haemoglobin estimation (anaemia )
*Serum albumin levels (Falls rapidly)
* USG and CT ScanningTreatment
* 1.
*Penicillin s
*Aminoglycoside s
*Cephalosporin s
* 2.Percutaneous Drainage under USG or CT Control
* 3.Laparotomy in intraabdominal diseaseReferences
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