Nicole Trager

Nicole Trager

Infobox character
colour =
name = "Nicole Trager"

caption =
first = Pilot
last =
cause =
nicknames =
alias =
species =
gender = Female
age = 43
born =
death =
occupation = Psychologist
title =
family = Stephen Trager (husband), Lori Trager (daughter), Josh Trager (son), Kyle (adoptive son)
spouse = Stephen Trager
children = Lori Trager, Josh Trager, Kyle (foster son)
relatives =
residence =
episode =
portrayer = Marguerite MacIntyre
creator = Eric Bress, J. Mackye Gruber

Nicole Trager is a fictional character from the ABC Family series Kyle XY and is portrayed by Marguerite MacIntyre

eason 1

Nicole begins Season 1 when she is called by Lou Daniels to meet "John Doe" from the Juvenile Detention Center. After she comments that John Doe is not a good name for a good looking boy, Lou suggests the name Kyle. Kyle immediately begins to respond to the name. She begins to interact with Kyle as he shows her a picture he drew of two people he sneaked up on in the forest. Lou also mentions that Kyle has no bellybutton. Nicole talks over with her family about letting Kyle stay in with the family for a couple of days. This upsets the children, Lori and Josh. However her husband Stephen believes that Nicole is doing something good and lets Kyle come to live with them. The following day, Nicole returns to the Detention Center where she picks up Kyle and brings him home. Nicole leaves the house for a few minutes and when she returns she sees Josh with a pornographic magazine which she then confiscates. She also tells Josh that Kyle will be sharing his room, then punishes Lori for not paying attention to Kyle while she was gone. Nicole takes Kyle to Stephen's workshop where she introduces the two. That night at dinner, the family hears Kyle speak for the first time ("Yo, let's get some juice down here!"). The following day, Nicole and Josh take Kyle to her office where they test his IQ which is phenomenal. They then take him for an MRI where he appears to use 80% of his brain. The doctors quickly suspect that it is machine failure, but Nicole and Josh doubt it. Later, Kyle and Nicole speak where Kyle confides that he is afraid of "everything" and wants her help. Nicole vows that she will not give up on him. She proposes to the family that Kyle remains with them for a little while longer and after some convincing, they agree.

A week later, the family is woken up very early in the morning by Kyle who has raided the refrigerator and learned Chinese from a Kung-Fu movie. Nicole learns from Kyle that he hasn't slept in the entire week that he's been with them and is baffled by that. That morning, Detective Breen visits the house to ask Kyle questions about where he came from, however Kyle cannot answer them. Nicole then takes him to a doctor's office where the doctor prescribes him some sleeping pills. As they leave the office, Nicole and the doctor see Kyle solving a large jigsaw puzzle within minutes. During the day, Nicole gives Kyle some paper and asks him to draw whatever he remembers. All he can remember is the forest so he draws that, but Nicole notices destinct black lines on the edges of his drawings. That night, after a bubble bath and some Chamomile tea, Kyle believes his is ready to sleep. Nicole and Stephen are woken up as Lori attempts to sneak out of the house but they see Kyle who explains that he went outside to speak to Amanda. The next morning, the Tragers see Kyle sitting on the lawn, convinced by Josh that he's an alien, stating that he is waiting to go home. That night, the Tragers assume Kyle will be very tired but Nicole and Stephen agree to take turns guarding the room to be sure Kyle doesn't leave. Unfortunately, Stephen wakes up too late and isn't able to make it in time for a big meeting. He argues with Nicole that he doesn't want Kyle in the house. Nicole returns to Josh's room to find Kyle is gone. The Tragers contact the police who cannot find him. Nicole realizes that the only place Kyle knows is the forest and they head there at night. They find Kyle who is standing on a large log "waiting for his family to find him." Stephen responds that they have. They take him home and Stephen leads Nicole into the bathroom where Kyle is sound asleep in the bathtub listening to white noise on the radio.

A few days later, Stephen agrees to take Kyle to work with him just before Nicole receives a phone call from Detective Breen. Breen explains that a body was found in the forest right near where Kyle was first found and where he was when the family found him days ago. Breen shows up at the house and shows Nicole pictures of the dead body and a picture of a key card with a mysterious logo on it. Breen also explains that he does not believe that Kyle is a suspect because the killer would likely have scratches on his hands, but Kyle was found without a scratch on him. Nicole thinks that Kyle may have been a witness and that this experience traumatized him so much that he developed his amnesia. Later that day, Nicole shows Kyle the pictures of the key card but Kyle does not recognize them. At night, she and Stephen ask Lori to take care of Kyle the next morning to which she reluctantly agrees.The next night at dinner, Nicole asks the children what happened during their days. Lori lies and states that she took Kyle to work with her and Josh lies and states that he got an A on a test. But, Kyle didn't know how to lie and blurts out that he didn't go to work with Lori and that he took the test for Josh. Lori explains that she lost her job and couldn't take him. Lori and Josh both become very upset at Kyle who exits the dinner table and has a talk with Stephen. Meanwhile, Nicole speaks to Lori about boys and doing the right thing. The children make up. The next morning, Nicole and Stephen take Kyle to Stephen's workshop which has been converted to Kyle's room with a bathtub and a bulletin board to put his pictures up on. As Stephen and Kyle head to eat breakfast, Nicole begins to set up. Nicole takes the pictures Kyle had drawn of the forest and begins to piece the black marks together. The marks resemble the mysterious logo found on the key card.

A few days later, Detective Breen returns to the Trager house and questions Kyle about why he drew the picture of the logo. Kyle explains that he didn't know. As Breen leaves, Lori attempts to sneak to the pool but Nicole and Stephen pressure her to take Kyle and Josh with. Nicole and Stephen then head to Beachwood High School where they attempt to enroll Kyle into school. The principal does not want him in the school and feels a Special-Ed program would be better. Stephen argues that it is the school's responsibility to make sure Kyle is suited in.Days later, Lori and Josh want to go to a party, but Nicole does not want Kyle to go with. Stephen, however bigfoots her and lets Kyle go with. Later that night, Nicole and Stephen discuss how if they want Kyle to be as well adjusted as Lori and Josh that they have to let him have as much responsibility as them.

School begins the next week and Nicole escorts Lori, Josh and Kyle to Beachwood High School. Nicole goes into the school to speak to the principal and get Kyle adjusted. The principal explains that he has to test Kyle the standard 10th grade placement exams through the entire day. Nicole leaves school to head back home where she awaits Stephen to return with sushi. As she speaks on the phone with him, she hears glass break. She tells Stephen she believes someone is breaking in, he yells for her to get out of the house. As she opens the front door, Tom Foss greets her. Stephen returns home and enters into Kyle's bedroom with a baseball bat to find Foss and Nicole having a conversation. Nicole explains that Foss is the new security guard assigned to their neighborhood from their security company. Foss asks some slightly odd questions about if their foster situation with Kyle is working out well. He leaves the house and tells them that he will be around more often. Stephen and Nicole, slightly afraid of Foss, call up their security company where a man runs a background check on Foss stating that he is a very good employee. The couple then receives a phone call from the school. They head to the school just in time to see Kyle breaking up a fight between Josh and a bully. The principal explains that Kyle left the classroom where he was supposed to take tests and that there is no place for a student like Kyle at Beachwood. Just then, Lori's math teacher bursts into the room and asks Kyle if he solved a Grad-School level math problem that was on his board. Kyle says he did, but doesn't know how. The teacher argues that Kyle has to be a student at Beachwood so he could work with him. Kyle also tells that he spent the entire day in the library reading encyclopedias. The principal gives him the tests and Kyle finishes all the tests in a half-hour. The principal offers him a private tutor but Kyle declines, realizing that he wants to learn "why people do what they do".

Lori's birthday is a few days later in a huge rain storm. Nicole makes blueberry pancakes in honor of this and periodically speaks to the children who are playing video games. She also speaks to Kyle who explains he is having bad dreams and seeing a scary man through a window in them. Kyle is visibly getting very upset that he can't remember anything but Nicole still believes that the wait-and-see method is the best. Kyle returns to give Nicole a picture he drew of the man he saw. Stephen tells Nicole that he found blood on the window outside Kyle's window and they believe that the person Kyle drew is that person. Stephen gives Tom Foss the picture Kyle drew. Meanwhile, as Josh remains taunting Kyle about being an alien, Kyle becomes very angry and yells at Josh. Nicole tells the children to go upstairs while she calms Kyle down. Lori tells Nicole that Kyle found an odd number on a Ouija board and Nicole tells Lori how overwhelming sex could be if she is not prepared. Lori agrees, prompting Nicole to believe that Lori is not a virgin, she explains this to Stephen who reacts in outrage. Foss returns to the Trager household and tells Stephen and Nicole that the blood on the window came from Lori's boyfriend, Declan who had been in the house the whole day. Nicole lets a calmed down Kyle put candles into Lori's birthday cake and Lori lets Kyle share her birthday until he could remember his own. The next morning, Nicole and Stephen are reading the paper when Kyle notices a picture of a missing professor, professor Kern. Kyle exclaims "that's him!" and notices that he is the same person from his dream. Nicole precides to call Detective Breen.

As school continues, Kyle joins the basketball team which excites Stephen very much. As Nicole speaks to Stephen about not putting too much pressure on Kyle to succeed, she reveals she has been doing some research on Professor Kern. Kern studied brain development which prompts Nicole to think Kern was Kyle's teacher at the University of Washington where he taught. Stephen however quickly dissmisses this realizing that there's no evidence leading to the belief that Kyle ever knew Kern. The night before the championship game, Nicole and Stephen are watching the news where it is revealed that the police have concluded that the body found in the forest was Professor Kern. Nicole attempts to contact Detective Breen who does not respond to her calls. The next day, the family goes to Kyle's championship game where Kyle responds to the coach's taunting of Declan by sitting out the rest of the game. The rest of the team follows and Beachwood is forced to forfeit. The next morning, Nicole tells Kyle about the development of Kern's body. She then heads to Breen's office where they speak and Breen reveals that a man was found dead with the gun used to kill Kern. They believed that this was the man who had killed him. Nicole is quite confused.

Days later, Kyle begins to have more flashes of the past. Nicole realizes that there is a possibility of getting some more out of him and hires a hypnotherapist. The therapist takes Kyle to a place in his mind and Kyle describes a scene where Tom Foss, the security guard, shoots Professor Kern. The therapist then makes Kyle go deeper into his mind and Kyle begins to mutter gibberish. Nicole and the therapist speak about how she believes that Foss is a symbol for someone else in Kyle's past. That night, Lori tells her that she and Declan are going up to Whitman College to check it out for the day. She wishes to bring Kyle with and Kyle quickly agrees. The next morning, Stephen tells Nicole that he got Foss removed from their area of security. Nicole is quite glad, but Foss shows up to the house to tell Nicole how much he admires her. Later, as Nicole listens to Kyle's gibberish on a tape recorder, Josh enters the room and mentions how it sounds like he's talking at another speed. Nicole understands this and slows down the tape. Finally, she begins to hear audible letters and numbers. She and Stephen disect what Kyle is saying and realize that it is coordinates. Stephen then tells Nicole that he looked up the spot on "Viewit Earth" and it is blocked from view. The next morning, Stephen calls Lori and tells her that he knows she's at the University of Washington, not Whitman and he wants her to come home immediately. Lori then mentions them finding a picture of a person who looked exactly like Kyle in 1985 but the man, Adam Baylin, has been missing for 20 years. She also says that they found a coordinate location that they wanted to head to. Stephen recognizes the location as the same one that Kyle muttered in gibberish and tells her to not go there and come home. After they arrived home, Nicole and Stephen want to punish Lori and Declan for taking Kyle to the location against their orders. Kyle stands up for them saying that it is his own fault and that the location was just a lot of trees, nothing special.

Days later, Nicole and Stephen speak about how Stephen does not trust Declan. Nicole, however does and believes he is a good person. They also receive Josh's report card, something he had been stressing over for weeks. It turns out that he did not do as bad as he thought he had which makes Nicole and Stephen quite happy. That night, the kids go to the Beachwood carnival where Kyle suffers a seizure and faints. They take him to the hospital where the doctor does another MRI on Kyle which claims he has normal brain activity. Nicole is clearly surprised based upon his first MRI saying he had very much activity. She goes to visit Kyle and tells him how she apologizes for not being able to help him remember. Kyle tells her how she's made him feel at home, loved and like a family and how much he appreciates it. Just then, Lori, Stephen, Josh and Detective Breen arrive to the room with a startling new development. Kyle's parents, Julie and David Peterson arrive to the hospital room calling him Noah and saying how happy they are that they found him.

The Petersons disclose how Kyle disappeared from them five years ago and how they had been searching for a very long time. They also tell how they are going to do a DNA test the next morning verifying paternity. They give the Tragers a photo album of Kyle/Noah's life before he disappeared. The Tragers give him the photo album but Kyle reacts hostilly. After he returns home, he questions the Petersons on who Adam Baylin is, who Professor Kern is and if they recognize the symbol from the key card. The Petersons do not know any answers. The next morning, Kyle, Josh and Lori attend Amanda's confirmation. When they return, Nicole tells Lori and Josh how Kyle may not be staying with them for a lot more time. Stephen then arrives and tells how the DNA is a match from David Peterson and Kyle. Kyle enters the room and explains how he is not going with them and runs out the door. As the Tragers and the Petersons prepare to leave without seeing Kyle that night, he returns. Kyle explains how he has finally remembered his past. He tells of a vacation they had when he was young with much detail. He then says that he would be ready to leave the next day. Nicole says that he will have to find a new psychologist because the Petersons live in Connecticut. The next day, as Kyle attends a going away party, Nicole and Stephen pack up Kyle's things while Josh rushes out of the house upset. Stephen who is also upset complements Nicole on what an amazing job she did with Kyle. Kyle bids goodbye to the Tragers and Declan as he enters the Peterson's car. He also mentions to Declan that he left a box for him in his room. Alone, Nicole begins to sob at her loss while looking at a picture from Lori and Kyle's birthday.

eason 2

It is shown at the beginning of season two that Nicole has felt terrible about Kyle leaving. She frequently has nightmares, like one where he is drowning in his tub. She is much more out of it than she was while Kyle lived with her. While she and Stephen took a vacation, Josh threw a huge party and it was discovered by them. However, she took a very long time in punishing him. She hadn't cooked a dinner in a long time either. However, the first night that she does cook dinner, Kyle returns home.



* Lori Trager - (daughter)
* Josh Trager - (son)
* Kyle Trager - (Son)

Maritial Status

* Stephen Trager - (husband)

External links

* [ ABC Family: Kyle XY - Official TV Show Website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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