Carlo Thränhardt

Carlo Thränhardt

Carlo Thränhardt (born 1957-07-05 in Bad Lauchstädt) is a former German high jumper, who won the silver medal at the 1981 European Indoor Championships in Grenoble.

He achieved his personal best performance in outdoor competitions with 2.37 m on 2 September 1984 in Rieti. This result is also the German outdoor record. [ [ Microsoft Word - Ewige DLV-Bestenliste.doc ] ]

Thränhardt was particularly well known for his prowess during the indoor track & field seasons. He set a total of three world indoor records. His first record jump was recorded on February 24, 1984, in the Schöneberger sports hall during which he achieved a mark of 2.37m. On January 16, 1987 in Simmerath, Germany he became the first man to clear 2.40m indoors. This mark bested his countryman Dietmar Mogenburg's record of 2.39 m set in Cologne, Germany (1985).

On February 26, 1988 he set his last world indoor record of 2.42 m in the Schöneberger sports hall. By this time, the requirement for a roofless arena had recently been stricken from the world record (commonly known as "world outdoor record") rules, so this mark was also recognised as equalling Patrik Sjöberg's world record. It remained a world record until September 1988, when it was beaten by Javier Sotomayor (2.43 m), and a world indoor record until March 1989, when Sotomayor repeated this performance indoors. In 1990, roofs were again banned for world records, and Thränhardt's 2.42 m was retroactively removed from all official outdoor record and performance lists. Although roofs have once again been allowed (from 1998), this record (which would still be a European record shared with Sjöberg, as well as the German record) has not been retroactively reinstated. The second highest jump ever indoors, it remains the European indoor record.

Carlo Thränhardt was firstly a member of ASV Köln, later moving to LG Bayer Leverkusen. He had a match weight of 86 kg and was 1.99 m tall.

In 2004 he participated in the RTL version of "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!".


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