
NewzBin, a Usenet Indexing website, is notable for its introduction of new technologies that aid users by facilitating access to content on Usenet.

One of the main technologies produced is an XML-based file format called NZB files, which contain a list of MessageIDs that are related to specific items on Usenet. Through the use of these files, Usenet clients are able to directly download material from Usenet without having to pre-fetch the headers for the target group. Thus, the main benefit of the direct link is improving the efficiency of Usenet binaries. It is technologies such as these that are increasing the popularity of Usenet for file sharing.

The content of the site is created by human editors, who browse through the content of Usenet in order to create the organized and properly titled reports that are made available from the site. Thus, the website is purely information based, having no files of its own upon the servers. All of the information is gleaned directly from Usenet via a collection of premium Usenet providers.

Newzbin currently keeps its Indexed Reports for 240 days. On 17th June 2008, in response to a copyright infringement notice from the MPA, new user registration was closed and the site was made only accessible to existing members. New members can still join through invitations from existing members.

Technologies introduced the following Usenet related technologies:

* Binaries Index - A web-based index of all binaries on Usenet servers, known as the 'Files/Usenet View.'
* Watchdog - A web-based Usenet tracker, will alert users when the content they desire is available/found.
* NZB Files - Enables a Usenet client to access material on Usenet directly via MessageID.

NewzXXX, a sister-site of NewzBin, is a free Usenet Indexing website focusing on pornography. NewzXXX split from NewzBin after repeated problems with their payment processors, including PayPal who allegedly claimed that NewzBin supplied pornography. Because of this difficulty, NewzXXX does not rely on the same premium credit system NewzBin uses, but instead provides all content and features to its users for free. When Newzbin removed the XXX section from their main site they were able to continue to operate the main site without payment problems, therefore NewzXXX was started to accommodate the users that used the XXX section on the main site.


External links

* [ Newzbin]
* [ Unofficial Newzbin Forum]
* [ Newzbin Documentation]
* [ Newzbin XXX Site]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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