- Raymond VII of Toulouse
Raymond VII of Saint-Gilles (July 1197 –
27 September 1249 ) was Count of Toulouse,Duke of Narbonne andMarquis of Provence from 1222 until his death.He was the son of
Raymond VI of Toulouse and Joan of England. During theAlbigensian Crusade in May of 1216, he set out fromMarseille and besieged Beaucaire, which he captured onAugust 24 . He fought to reconquer the county of Toulouse fromSimon de Montfort, 5th Earl of Leicester and later Simon's sonAmaury VI of Montfort .Raymond VII married firstly, in March 1211, Sancha of Aragon, the daughter of King
Alfonso II of Aragon . They had one daughter, Joan, and were divorced in 1241. In 1243 Raymond married Marguerite de Lusignan, the daughter ofHugh X of Lusignan and Isabella of Angouleme. They had no children and were divorcedAugust 3 ,1245 .He succeeded his father in 1222. At the moment of his accession, he and the new
count of Foix , Roger Bernard II the Great, besiegedCarcassonne . On14 September 1224 , theAlbigensian Crusade rs surrendered and the war came to an end, each southern lord making peace with the church. However, in 1225, the council ofBourges excommunicated him and launched acrusade against him, theking of France , Louis VIII, called "the Lion", wanting to renew the conflict in order to enforce his royal rights inLanguedoc . Roger-Bernard tried to keep the peace, but the king rejected his embassy and the counts of Foix and Toulouse took up arms again. The war was largely a discontinuous series of skirmishes and, in January 1229, Raymond, defeated, was forced to sign theTreaty of Meaux , by which he ceded the former viscounty ofTrencavel to the king and his daughter Joan was forced to marry Alphonse, brother of the new king, Louis the Lion's successor, Louis IX.When Raymond died, Alphonse became count of Toulouse, and after Alphonse's death the county was annexed by
France . Raymond VII was buried beside his mother Joan inFontevrault Abbey .ources
*Macé, Laurent. "Raymond VII of Toulouse: The Son of Queen Joanne, 'Young Count' and Light of the World." "The World of Eleanor of Aquitaine: Literature and Society in Southern France between the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries", edd. Marcus Bull and Catherine Léglu. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2005. ISBN 1 84383 114 7.
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