- A-100 Class
A-100 is the colloquial name given to the introductory/orientation training class for incoming
Foreign Service Officer s. These courses are taught in theForeign Service Institute at theNational Foreign Affairs Training Center in Arlington, Virginia. The purpose of the class is to provide orientation to the US Department of State, information on embassy operation and foreign affairs, intelligence collection and dissemination, State Department computer systems, and the roles different categories of personnel perform in the conduct of diplomacy. It is a basic job-orientation course for theForeign Service , before diplomats branch off into different career tracks or geographic specialties.This class lasts for approximately seven weeks and typically has between 50 and 100 students. During the first day of the class classmates learn about their fellow classmates and give presentations on them. The first week of the class is devoted to security briefings, the issuing of laptops as well as State Department IDs, and indoctrination into the more classified aspects of the Foreign Service. The class is an opportunity to learn about the Foreign Service but is not a forum for discussion of personal views on United States Foreign Policy. Students accept that their job is to implement the foreign policy directives of the President of the United States. Subsequent weeks examine State Department organizational structure, drafting and editing, the organizational structure of an Embassy, and negotiation. While the majority of the class takes place at the
National Foreign Affairs Training Center , there are numerous field trips toCapitol Hill , theCentral Intelligence Agency , as well as off site team-building training that lasts for four days and normally takes place at a resort in West Virginia.Towards the end of the course, students are informed of their first assignments, usually overseas, during the 'Flag Day' ceremony, so named because they are presented with a small flag of the country to which the have been assigned. After A-100, further training is personalized to the individual depending on his or her overseas posting.
Members often maintain contact with each other throughout their entire careers, and regard A-100 classmates much like high school or college classmates. A-100 classes are numbered sequentially, however, there was a time when the numbers were restarted and several groups have shared numbers over the years.
In function, if not name, the A-100 Class dates back to June 7, 1924, when President Coolidge issued Executive Order 4022 establishing a Foreign Service School for the purpose of training newly-hired probationary Foreign Service Officers (FSOs). The Foreign Service School's first class was conducted from April 20 - September 1, 1925, and "graduated" a class of 17.
According to tradition, the "100" in A-100 refers to the number of the room in which the course was first conducted. The State Department's 1926 Telephone Directory confirms that the Foreign Service School was located in Room 100 of the State, War, and Navy Building.
Additional details can be found in Ambassador Ellis O. Briggs' autobiography: "Proud Servant: The Memoirs of a Career Ambassador." Ambassador Briggs recounts his experiences in preparing for the 1925 Foreign Service examination -- the written and oral tests that were instituted after the
Rogers Act of 1924 established the Foreign Service as "a competitive, nonpolitical, professional career." Ambassador Briggs says that "simultaneously there came into existence in the Department of State, in Room 100 on the ground floor of the old State War Navy Building, a modest enterprise called the Foreign Service School." He goes on to explain that, in order to provide new officers with an initial "home office indoctrination" and avoid the problems that might result if officers' initial training was entirely entrusted to overseas supervisors whose quality and interest level "varied from post to post," it was decided to organize "a course of several months in the State Department before a new officer was sent to his first foreign assignment." Ambassador Briggs concludes that "until after World War II, the Foreign Service School remained an unpretentious institution, concentrating on unraveling consular regulations and language instruction."With the Foreign Service Act of 1946 a new Foreign Service training program, patterned after programs in the Army and Navy, came into existence. The newly established
Foreign Service Institute (FSI) included a "School of Basic Officer Training" (with classes distinguished by the letter "B" preceeding a three-digit course number). An "A" prefix was used to identify courses administered by the separate "School of Advanced Officer Training." FSI's 1949 Course Catalog includes "B 100" -- a basic training course prescribed for all newly appointed Foreign Service officers. The separate "A 100" course involved three months of intensive training for Foreign Service officers following the successful conclusion of their probationary years in the field.By 1955, however, these separate schools had been eliminated. In the 1955-56 FSI course catalog the training programs for junior, mid-level and senior level officers are all found under the heading of "General Career Training." The B-100 course had vanished, but A-100 survived as the 3-month "Junior Foreign Service Officers' Course" which was "required of all newly appointed Foreign Service officers of class 6 before assignment to their first post abroad."
* Proud Servant: The Memoirs of a Career Ambassador by Ellis O. Briggs 1998, 464 pp, ISBN 0-87338-588-8
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