

name = "Hypancistrus"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Siluriformes
familia = Loricariidae
subfamilia = Hypostominae
tribus = Ancistrini
genus = "Hypancistrus"
genus_authority = Isbrücker & Nijssen , 1991
type_species = "Hypancistrus zebra"
type_species_authority = Isbrücker & Nijssen , 1991
subdivision_ranks = Binomial name
subdivision =
"Hypancistrus contradens"
Armbruster et al., 2007
"Hypancistrus debilittera"
Armbruster et al., 2007
"Hypancistrus furunculus"
Armbruster et al., 2007
"Hypancistrus inspector"
Armbruster, 2002
"Hypancistrus lunaorum"
Armbruster et al., 2007
"Hypancistrus zebra"
Isbrücker and Nijssen, 1991

"Hypancistrus" (from the Greek "hypo" meaning under and "agkistron" meaning hookFishBase genus|genus=Hypancistrus|year=2007|month=Apr] ) is a genus of Loricariid catfish originating from the Amazon basin in South America. Unlike many of the other Loricariids, however, some "Hypancistrus" species are more carnivorous and enjoy meat in their diet. "Hypancistrus" species are popular aquarium fish, including such popular fish as the zebra pleco and Queen Arabesque pleco.


This genus is a relatively recent one, described in 1991 with its type species "H. zebra". "H. inspector" was the next species to be described in 2002.cite journal|last=Armbruster|first=Jonathan W.|title="Hypancistrus inspector": A New Species of Suckermouth Armored Catfish (Loricariidae: Ancistrinae)|journal=Copeia|pages=86–92|year=2007|url=http://www.auburn.edu/academic/science_math/res_area/loricariid/fish_key/Hypanc/Hypancistrus_inspector.pdf|format=PDF|accessdate=2007-04-06] In 2007, four new species of "Hypancistrus" were described.cite journal|last=Armbruster|first=Jonathan W.|coauthors=Lujan, Nathan K. and Taphorn, D. J.|title=Four New "Hypancistrus" (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from Amazonas, Venezuela|journal=Copeia|pages=62–79|year=2007|url=http://www.auburn.edu/academic/science_math/res_area/loricariid/fish_key/Hypanc/Hypancistrus4.pdf |format=PDF|accessdate=2007-04-06|doi=10.1643/0045-8511(2007)7 [62:FNHSLF] 2.0.CO;2|volume=2007|doilabel=10.1643/0045-8511(2007)7[62:FNHSLF]2.0.CO;2] However, there are still many more undescribed species. These undescribed species are often designated with L-numbers. It was believed that this genus isn't monophyletic, though this has since changed.

Distribution and habitat

"H. zebra" originates from the Xingu River.FishBase species | genus = Hypancistrus | species = zebra | month = Apr | year = 2007] "Hypancistrus" are also known from the Orinoco River and the Rio Negro. The rest of the described species originate from Venezuela; the four new species alone originate from the northern Orinoco in southern Venezuela, near or in the Ventuari River.cite web|url=http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/pfk/pages/item.php?news=1214|title=Four L-number plecs get names|last=Clarke|first=Matt|publisher=Practical Fishkeeping magazine|date=2007-03-05|accessdate=2007-04-05] New species await to be described from regions such as Brazil and Guyana.

These fish are found in slow to moderately flowing water. They like to inhabit the bedrock and crevices within bedrock.

Anatomy and appearance

"Hypancistrus", like other Loricariids, are armored catfish with a suckermouth. This suckermouth allows the fish to attach to objects. Their body is armored by scutes rather than covered in scales. These fish have strong pectoral and dorsal fin spines. The eye is specially developed with an omega iris. The body is flat on the ventral surface and naked (scaleless).

"Hypancistrus" species can be differentiated from other genera of Loricariids by a number of characteristics. These fish have highly-angled jaws that form an angle of less than 90 degrees, which is a trait shared only by a few other genera. Also, their scutes are not highly ridged or keeled like that of some genera, and their abdomen is only half-plated with this armor as opposed to full-plated. "Hypancistrus" have fewer dentary teeth than premaxillary teeth, and the former are almost twice as long as the latter. Fish of this genus tend to be attractively marked with dark brown to black and white, arranged in spots, stripes, or squiggles.cite web|url=http://www.auburn.edu/academic/science_math/res_area/loricariid/fish_key/Hypanc/hypan.html|title=Hypancistrus|last=Armbruster|first=Jon|accessdate=2007-04-06] Breeding males have larger odontodes on the pectoral fin spines and on the cheek, though in some species, breeding males also have hypertrophied odontodes on the lateral plates like "Peckoltia". Synapomorphies of this genus include differences in the jaw structure from other Loricariids. These fish do not get very large; no species exceeds about 11 centimetres (4 in).

The different species of "Hypancistrus" are distinguishable by differences in their stripe, band, or spot patterns. "H. zebra" is distinguishable as a white fish with oblique, black stripes that extend from behind the head into the tail, with an obvious E turned sidesways on its nose. "H. furunculus" appears rather similar to "H. zebra", but it has a creamier color (rather than white) and it only has one oblique stripe rather than many. "H. furunculus" and "H. debilittera" both have vertical stripes on the caudal fin. However, "H. debilittera" has a dark base color and white spots, bands, and vermiculations with an either weakly formed or absent E on the nose. In "H. inspector", there are smaller spots on the head and larger spots on the body, and some of the spots on the upper caudal fin will join together and form bands. If the dorsal fin of "H. inspector" is pushed down, the dorsal fin does not reach the adipose fin, in contrast to both "H. contradens" and "H. lunaorum". "H. lunaorum" has very small, gold spots dotting its body and, if present, the spots on the head will be of the same size. "H. contradens" has white or pink, similarly-sized spots large that do not connect to form bands.


"Hypancistrus" are unusual in that some species accept meatier foods than many of their relatives, and are generally omnivorous; "H. zebra" is often cited as a fish that likes to accept meatier foods.cite book | title = Aquarium Owner's Guide | last = Sanford | first = Gina | publisher = DK Publishing | location = New York | date = 1999 | pages = 40 | isbn = 0-7894-4614-6] Some other members of the genus tend to eat more plant material; "H. inspector" has been studied to eat algae, detritus, and also seeds.FishBase species | genus = Hypancistrus | species = inspector | month = Apr | year = 2007] "H. contradens" is noted to probably feed on aufwuchs; their guts have been shown to contain filamentous algae as well as various organic and inorganic matter.

In the aquarium

Many "Hypancistrus" are popular aquarium fish due to their small size and attractive coloration. Because of their more carnivorous diet, these fish are not like the algae eaters aquarists are used to. These fish should be provided with clean, fast-moving water. They can be maintainted in community aquariums, but quieter cohabitants are preferred so that these fish are not scared into hiding. Members of this genus have been captive bred by hobbyists.

Below is a list of the described "Hypancistrus" with their L-numbers, as well as some undescribed types with common names that appear in the aquarium trade. There are many "Hypancistrus" only designated by their L-number that are not included.cite web|url=http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/numbers.php?mode=l&thumbs=16&start=0&genus_id=7|title=Hypancistrus L-numbers|publisher=PlanetCatfish.com|accessdate=2007-04-06]


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