

In Greek mythology, the Mormolykeia (English translation: "terrible wolves") were female underworld Daemons, attendants of the goddess Hecate. They were identified with mormos, female vampire-like creatures.[1][2]


  1. ^ Smith, p. 1113. MORMOL YCEor MORMOL YCEION (Mop-fjio\vKr], Mop^uoAv/celbj/), the same phantom or bugbear as Mormo, and also used for the same purpose. (Philostr. Vit. Apollon. iv. 25 ; Menandr. Reliq. p. 145, ed. Meineke ; Aristoph. Thesm. 417 ; Strab. i. p. 19 ; Stob. Eclog. p. 1010.) [L. S.]
  2. ^ Smith, p. 1113. MORMO (Mopfjuo), a female spectre, with which the Greeks used to frighten little children. (Aristoph. Acharn. 582, Pax, 474.) Mormo was one of the same class of bugbears as Empusa and Lamia. [L. S.]


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