

Hasdrubal (in Latin transliteration; the original Phoenician form of the name was Azruba'al, lit. "the help of Baal" [ [http://www.bealgenealogy.com/refdocs/Beal%20-%20The%20Ancient%20Name%20by%20Frank%20Lee%20Beals.pdf B E A L (e,1,s) THE ANCIENT ] ] ) was the name of several Carthaginian generals of the First and Second Punic War. Among them the most famous are:

* Hasdrubal (Regent) reigned in Carthage in the 6th Century BC
* Hasdrubal (son of Hanno) fought in Sicily
* Hasdrubal the Fair, son-in-law of Hamilcar Barca
* Hasdrubal, son of Hamilcar Barca and brother of Hannibal and Mago
* Hasdrubal Gisco, another commander in the Second Punic War
* Hasdrubal the Boeotarch was also the general of Punic forces in the Third Punic War (see Battle of Carthage).
* Hasdrubal, commander of the service corps


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  • Hasdrubal — /haz droo beuhl, haz drooh /, n. 1. died 207 B.C., Carthaginian general (brother of Hannibal). 2. died 221 B.C., Carthaginian general (brother in law of Hannibal). * * * ▪ Carthaginian general [died 207 BC] died 207 BC       Carthaginian general… …   Universalium

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