- Émile Boirac
Émile Boirac (born in
Guelma ,Algeria ,26 August 1851 ; died inDijon ,20 September 1917 ) was a Frenchphilosopher andpsychic , promoter ofEsperanto .He was designated in 1898 president of the University of
Grenoble and in (1902) president of Dijon University.A notable advocate for Esperanto, he presided over its 1st Universal Congress (Boulogne-Sur-Mer, France,
7 August to12 August 1905 ) and directed theAcademy of Esperanto .He is also remembered by having coined the term
déjà vu in his book "L'Avenir des Sciences Psychiques" (No it was in a letter to the editor of Review Philosophique, 1, p. 430-431 in 1876. Further, this is debatable see the Deja Vu Experience: Essays in Cognitive Psychology by Robert Brown), where he also defined "metagnomy": knowledge acquired without the senses, what currently is known as ESP.Writings
*Translation to esperanto of
Leibniz 's "Monodalogy" (1902)
*"Ŝlosileto kvarlingva" (1903)
*"Perdita kaj retrovita" (1905)
*"Qu'est-ce que l'espéranto?" (1906)
*"Le Congrès espérantiste de Genève" (1906)
*"Pri la homa radiado" (1906)
*Translation to esperanto ofMolière 's "Don Juan" (1909)
*Translation to esperanto ofHenry van Dyke 's "The Other Wise Man", de (1909)
*"Plena Vortaro E-E-a" (1909)
*"Le problème de la langue internationale" (1911)
*"Vortaro de la Oficialaj Radikoj" (1911)
*"Fundamentaj principoj de la vortaro esperanta" (1911)
*"L'Avenir des Sciences Psychiques" (1917)
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