Paul Sieveking

Paul Sieveking

Paul Sieveking was, until 2002, co-editor (with founder Bob Rickard) of the magazine "The Fortean Times", the UK-based "Journal of the Unexplained", a magazine he joined in 1978. His father, Lancelot "Lance" De Giberne Sieveking was an early BBC radio and television drama pioneer, and his half-brother Gale De Giberne Sieveking was an archaeologist.


Paul R.A. De Giberne Sieveking was born in London in 1949, the son of writer/broadcaster/producer Lance Sieveking. He attended University at Jesus College, Cambridge, where he read anthropology, in which he graduated in 1971. [Sieveking, Paul (ed.) "Man Bites Man: The Scrapbook of an English Eccentric - George Ives" (Jay Landesman 1980), pg. 5]

He subsequently produced the first English translation (with John Fullerton) of Raoul Vaneigem's "The Revolution of Everyday Life", which was published by Practical Paradise Publications in 1975. He became acquainted with Bob Rickard and the "Fortean Times" in the late 1970s, ultimately becoming co-editor of that publication for the next 20+ years.

"Fortean Times"

Sieveking was introduced to "FT"-founder Bob Rickard by mutual friend Ion Will in 1978, some five years and 25+ issues after it was first self-published as "The News" in 1973, before becoming "Fortean Times" in 1976. Joining the team as co-associate editor (with Steve Moore) under Rickard, Sieveking has been associated with the magazine ever since. He took over full editorial duties for the four quarterly issues of 1984-1985 (#43-46), to give Rickard a chance to "revitalize", [cite news | author=Bob Rickard | title=Editorial| date=Autumn 1984 | work=The Fortean Times #42] (which he did). Sieveking then joined Rickard as co-editor for the next 16-17 years, until editorship was passed to David Sutton in 2002.

Sieveking continues to contribute to "FT", focusing his editorial efforts largely on the letters page as well as some specialist topics.


Sieveking has produced occasional articles for online magazine [ NthPosition] , and is described by them as having "been a student of extreme human behaviour since the glory days of the Situationists." [ [ Nth Position Online Magazine: Paul Sieveking] . Accessed March 6, 2008]


"Fortean Times" collected editions

*"Yesterday's News Tomorrow: Fortean Times Issues 1-15", (As editor, collected ed.) John Brown Publishing, 1992, paperback, ISBN 1-870870-26-3
*"Diary of a Mad Planet: Fortean Times Issues 16-25", (As editor, collected ed.) John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1995, paperback, ISBN 1-870021-25-8
*"Seeing Out the Seventies: Fortean Times Issues 26-30", (As editor, collected ed.) John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1992, paperback, ISBN 1-870021-20-7
*"Gateways to Mystery: Fortean Times Issues 31-36", (As editor, collected ed.) John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1993, paperback, ISBN 1-870870-37-9
*"Heaven's Reprimands: Fortean Times Issues 37-41", (As editor, collected ed.) John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1994, paperback, ISBN 1-870870-52-2
*"If Pigs Could Fly: Fortean Times Issues 42-46", (As editor, original magazines & collected ed.) John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1994, paperback, ISBN 1-870870-47-6
*"Fishy Yarns: Fortean Times Issues 47-51", (As co-editor, original magazines & collected ed.) John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1994, hardback, ISBN 1-870870-48-4
*"Bonfire of the Oddities: Fortean Times Issues 52-56", (As co-editor, original magazines & collected ed.) John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1995, paperback, ISBN 1-870870-61-1
*"Strange Attractors: Fortean Times Issues 57-62", (As co-editor, original magazines & collected ed.) John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1996, paperback, ISBN 1-870870-73-5
*"Plumber from Lhasa: Fortean Times Issues 63-67", (As co-editor, original magazines & collected ed.) John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1996, paperback, ISBN 1-870870-79-4
*"Memories of Hell: Fortean Times Issues 68-72", (As co-editor, original magazines & collected ed.) John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1997, paperback, ISBN 1-870870-90-5
*"Mouthful of Mysteries: Fortean Times Issues 73-77", (As co-editor, original magazines & collected ed.) John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1998, paperback, ISBN 1-870870-66-2
*"Snakes Alive!: Fortean Times Issues 93-97", (As co-editor, original magazines & collected ed.) John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1998, paperback, ISBN 1-902212-04-5

Other "Fortean" titles

"(As editor/compiler, unless stated.)
*"Man Bites Man: The Scrapbook of an English Eccentric - George Ives", Jay Landesman 1980; Penguin Books, 1981 ISBN 0-14-00-5960-1
*"Fortean Times 1993 Diary", John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1992, hardback, ISBN 1-870870-24-7
*"The Fortean Times Book of More Strange Deaths", John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1998, paperback, ISBN 1-902212-02-9
*"The Fortean Times Book of Medical Mayhem", (with Ian Stuart Simmons) John Brown Publishing Ltd, 1999, paperback, ISBN 1-902212-19-3


External links

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