Eu cred

Eu cred

Infobox ESC entry
song = flagicon|Romania "Eu cred"

caption =
year = 1998
country = Romania
artist = Mălina Olinescu
as =
with =
language = Romanian
languages =
composer = Adrian Romcescu
lyricist = Liliana Ştefan
conductor = Adrian Romcescu
place = 22nd
points = 6
lyrics = [ from Diggiloo Thrush]
clip =
prev = Dincolo de nori
prev_year = 1994
prev_link = Dincolo de nori
next = The Moon
next_year = 2000
next_link = The Moon (song)

"Eu cred" (English translation: "I Believe") was the Romanian entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1998, performed in Romanian by Mălina Olinescu.

The song is a ballad, with Olinescu addressing a former lover. She tells him that she is still waiting for his return, and that she believes she is listening to him - thus the song will hasten his return. She asks him for "a sign that you will stay".

The song was performed fifteenth on the night (following Portugal's Alma Lusa with "Se Eu Te Pudesse Abraçar" and preceding the United Kingdom's Imaani with "Where Are You?"). At the close of voting, it had received 6 points, placing 22nd in a field of 25.

Due to the poor result, Romania was ineligible to take part in the 1999 Contest. As a "passive participant" (a country broadcasting but not entering the Contest), it was re-admitted the following year. Thus, the song was succeeded as Romanian representative at the 2000 Contest by Taxi with The Moon.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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