- Ramiro Garcés of Viguera
Ramiro Garcés (dead by
991 ) was theKing of Viguera from970 to his death. He was the son ofGarcía Sánchez I of Pamplona by his second wife, Theresa of León. While Theresa pushed for the disinheritance of García's eldest sonSancho II of Pamplona in favour of Ramiro, García compromised and willed the region of Viguera to Ramiro with the title of king.Ramiro was a "subregulus" and vassal of his brother. The precise date of his death is not recorded. A surviving document dated 981, but apparently misdated by a decade and actually from 991, reports that he had already died. He had two known children, sons Sancho and García, who succeeded him in turn.
*Bishko, Charles Julian. "Salvus of Albelda and Frontier Monasticism in Tenth-Century Navarre." "Speculum", Vol. 23, No. 4. (Oct., 1948), pp 559-590. [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0038-7134%28194810%2923%3A4%3C559%3ASOAAFM%3E2.0.CO%3B2-H At JSTOR] and [http://libro.uca.edu/frontier/spanfrontier.htm at LIBRO] .
*Cañada Juste, Alberto. "Un milenario navarro: Ramiro Garcés, rey de Viguera", "Princípe de Viana" 42 (1982), pp. 21-37.
*Ubieto Arteta, Antonio. "Monarcas navarros olvidados: los reyes de Viguera", "Hispania" X (1950), pp. 8-25.
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