Antonio Agliardi

Antonio Agliardi

infobox cardinalstyles
cardinal name=Antonio Cardinal Agliardi| dipstyle=His Eminence
offstyle=Your Eminence
See=Caesarea (titular see)|

Antonio Cardinal Agliardi (September 4, 1832 – May 1, 1915) was a Roman Catholic Cardinal, archbishop, and papal diplomat. He was born at Cologno (Bergamo), Italy.

He studied theology and canon law, and after acting as parish priest in his native diocese for twelve years was sent by the pope to Canada as a bishop's chaplain. On his return he was appointed secretary to the Congregation of the Propaganda.

In 1884, he was created by Leo XIII archbishop of Caesarea "in partibus" and sent to India as an Apostolic Delegate to report on the establishment of the hierarchy there.

In 1887 he again visited India, to carry out the terms of the concordat arranged with Portugal. The same year he was appointed secretary to the Congregation "super negotiis ecclesiae extraordinariis", in 1889 became papal nuncio at Munich and in 1892 at Vienna. Allowing himself to be involved in the ecclesiastical disputes by which Hungary was divided in 1895, he was made the subject of formal complaint by the Hungarian government and in 1896 was recalled.

In the consistery of 1896 he was elevated to Cardinal Priest of "Ss. Nereo ed Acheillo"'. In 1899 he was made Cardinal Bishop of Albano. In 1903, he was named vice-chancellor of the Catholic Church, and became the Chancellor of the Apostolic Chancery in the Secretariat of State in 1908.

He died in Rome.


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