
Background information
Birth name Dayang Nur Camelia Abang Khalid
Born June 20, 1974 (1974-06-20) (age 37)
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Genres Pop, Soft rock, Pop rock, R&B, Dance-pop
Occupations Singer, Songwriter, Model
Instruments Voice
Years active 1990spresent

Camelia (born June 20, 1974 as Dayang Noor Camelia Abang Khalid) is a Malaysian singer and model. She was the first Malaysian to be signed to Universal Music; her debut album, Camelia, won the Best New Artist and Best Vocal Performance in an Album awards from Anugerah Industri Muzik (AIM). As of 2003, she was the Malaysian spokesmodel for L'Oréal She has also been the spokesmodel for Tag Heuer, Wacoal, Epson, Pantene and Omega.





  • Anugerah Industri Muzik (AIM) 1998
    • Best New Artist
    • Best Vocal Performance in an Album for "Camelia"

Personal life

She was married to Mohd Ehsan Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce until their divorce in 1999. She then married a prominent local developer who is a Datuk in 2010.[1] This makes her formal title "Datin".


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