

Hov can refer to the following:

*An HOV or High-occupancy vehicle
*A location:
**Hov, Faroe Islands
**Hov, Norway
*HOV, the ticker symbol for U.S. homebuilder Hovnanian Enterprises
*The Rapper Jay-Z, based on a shortened version of his alternate name JayHOVa
*An HOV or Human Occupied Vehicle (for remotely operated vehicles, see ROV)

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  • Hov — bezeichnet: ein Pseuydonym von Jay Z (* 1969), amerikanischer Rapper Hov ist der Name folgender Orte: Hov (Färöer), Färöer Hov (Jütland), Jütland, Dänemark Hov (Langeland), Langeland, Dänemark Hov (Hurum), Norwegen Hov (Sundsvall), Sundsvall,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • hov — hov·el·er; hov·er·er; hov·el; hov·er; hov·el·ler; hov·er·ing·ly; …   English syllables

  • hov´er|er — hov|er «HUHV uhr, HOV », verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to stay in or near one place in the air; hang fluttering or suspended in air: »The helicopter hovered over the spot where the lost men had been seen. 2. to stay in or near one place; wait nearby: »The …   Useful english dictionary

  • hov|er — «HUHV uhr, HOV », verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to stay in or near one place in the air; hang fluttering or suspended in air: »The helicopter hovered over the spot where the lost men had been seen. 2. to stay in or near one place; wait nearby: »The dogs… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hov|el — «HUHV uhl, HOV », noun, verb, eled, el|ing or (especially British) elled, el|ling –n. 1. a house that is small, crude, and unpleasant to live in: »The poor old man lived in a hovel down by the railroad tracks. SYNONYM(S): shanty …   Useful english dictionary

  • HOV — (high occupancy vehicle) vehicle that can hold two or more passengers (such as a bus, car or van) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • HOV — abbrev. high occupancy vehicle …   English World dictionary

  • hov — I hov 1. hov sb., en, e, ene (del af dyrefod) II hov 2. hov sb., et, hov, ene (NORDISK OLDTID helligdom) III hov 3. hov udråbsord …   Dansk ordbog

  • hov — 1. is. dan. Kömək. Çataydı elimdən köməyim, hovum; Kəsərdən qalmayan qılıncım, sovum. Aşıq Şəmşir. Yaxınlarla sıx əlaqə yaradılmış, onlardan hov istənilmişdi. Ə. Vəl.. Hova çatmaq dan. – köməyinə çatmaq, kömək etmək, kömək əli uzatmaq, əlindən… …   Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti

  • hòv — medm. (ȍ) posnema pasji glas: hov, se je oglasil pes; hov, hov, hov …   Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika

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