- World Planners Congress
The World Planners Congress was held in
Vancouver ,British Columbia ,Canada , from June 17th to June 20th, 2006. The congress was hosted by theCanadian Institute of Planners and thePlanning Institute of British Columbia , in collaboration with theCommonwealth Association of Planners . It immediately preceded the UN HabitatWorld Urban Forum III , also being held in Vancouver. The theme of the congress was "Sustainable Urbanization: Turning Ideas into Action", and its purpose was "to explore the dimensions of sustainable urbanization for diverse variety of communities and environments, including those facing challenging rates of growth, migration, and decline." [World Planners Congress: [http://www.wpc2006.com/about.html About] ]One outcome of the congress was its contribution, with the
American Planning Association andRoyal Town Planning Institute , to a "Declaration of Principles and Best Practices for Sustainable Urbanization". This declaration sought to reconnect planning with the challenges posed by rapid urbanization, the urbanization of poverty, hazards from climate change, and theMillennium Development Goals (particularly MDG 7). It stated, among other things, that "Planning, and its values and ethics, are fundamental to good governance and a means to deliver more equal access to the benefits cities have to offer." [World Planners Congress: [http://www.wpc2006.com/pdfs/WPC2006-Declaration.pdf Declaration of Principles and Best Practices for Sustainable Urbanization] ] The declaration reflected the emergence of what has been coined "New urban planning ", a term discussed in a position paper setting out the thinking behind the declaration. [Commonwealth Association of Planners: [http://www.commonwealth-planners.org/papers/reinvent.pdf Reinventing planning: a new governance paradigm for managing Human settlements] ]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.