- Andronic Nikolsky
Andronik (Nikolsky) (Russian: "Андроник Никольский", 1870-1918), also spelled Andronic, was a bishop in the
Russian Orthodox Church and a saint, glorified asHieromartyr Andronik, Archbishop Of Perm in 2000.Early life
Archbishop Andronik was born Vladimir Nikolsky, on August 1, 1870, in Povodnevo, a village in
Myshkin uyezd ,Yaroslavl diocese . His father was adeacon . After he finished his studies at the Yaroslavl Seminary in 1891, he entered theMoscow Theological Academy . On August 1, 1893, during his studies in Moscow, he wastonsure d amonk and given thereligious name of Andronik. He wasordained to thediaconate on August 6 of that same year. On July 22, 1895, he wasordained apriest .Russian Orthodox Church
From 1895, he was assigned first to the
theological seminary ofKutaisi in the Caucasus and then at the seminary at Ardon as inspector and instructor.Bishop of Kyoto
In 1897, he was assigned as a member of the Russian Orthodox
mission toJapan , under Bishop Nikolai (Kasatkin), later glorified as St.Nicholas of Japan , to assist him in his missionary work, which he began 1861.Hieromonk Andronik was very surprised by this assignment and felt inadequate for the position, but ultimately he accepted it as God's will. His journey began inSt. Petersburg , on September 21, 1897, and continued fromOdessa with Archimandrite Sergius (Stragorodsky) on October 26. Traveling through European countries and the U.S., they arrived in Japan on December 26. He wrote and published a book about this journey, "A Missionary Journey to Japan", Kazan, 1899.On November 5, 1906, Andronik was
consecrated Bishop ofKyoto and assistant to Bishop Nikolai. He was the first bishop of Kyoto, seat of the West Japan diocese of theJapanese Orthodox Church . Although Bishop Andronik was the bishop of Kyoto, he lived inOsaka which, while it then was the second largest city in Japan, was also where most of Orthodox faithful lived. Osaka is a short distance from Kyoto. After he arrived in Osaka, he began to feel ill and found performing his duties difficult. After serving in Osaka for three months, he asked leave to resign and to depart from Japan. On May 27, 1907, he left Japan and returned to Russia. There, he was assigned on October 26 to be the deputy to Bishop Eulogius of Kholm. In 1908, he was assigned bishop ofTikhvin inNovgorod diocese.Bishop of Perm and Solokamsk
On July 30, 1914, he was appointed bishop of
Perm andSolikamsk . Eleven days before, on July 19,World War I began. As the war progressed, he worked energetically for one and a half million inhabitants and 570 churches in this region.In summer 1916, he traveled to the army headquarters outside St. Petersburg where Tsar
Nicholas II was leading the army. The purpose of this trip was to warn the Tsar aboutRasputin . However, theTsar would not take him seriously and his trip failed. But Nicholas II was pleased with the gift Bishop Andronik gave him on behalf of the people, a pair of soldier's boots that the province of Perm provided the army.Bolshevik Revolution
In 1917, he became Bishop of Perm and Kungur, and became one of the seven
hierarch s in the pre-conciliar synod preparing for theLocal Council of the Russian Church in Moscow. He was very active throughout the council, from August 1917 until April 1918, which was the end of the second session of the Council. As the agitation of theBolshevik take-over intensified on January 25, 1918, Bishop Adronik made a written appeal to the faithful to defend the heritage of the Church from the aggressors and looters as attacks became more frequent.Andronik was a firm supporter of the Tsar. From his point of view, it was God's will that the anointed Tsar should reign over the empire; hence, the monarchy was an appropriate governmental system for Christians. But this did not mean he supported tyranny: the Tsar should listen to his people, and the monarch and the people should come to peace.
In February, in the Perm region, the Bolsheviks began to loot churches and monasteries. When the second session of the Council ended, Andronic returned to Perm.
Patriarch Tikhon had elevated him toarchbishop on April 25,Palm Sunday . OnHoly Thursday , April 16, the Bolsheviks carried out a search of his residence. He remained calm and continued the services ofHoly Week and Pascha (Easter).The Bolshevik authorities increased pressure on the church in the following weeks. Finally Abp. Andronik was arrested at midnight on July 4 (
Gregorian calendar : July 17). In response, theclergy in Perm went on strike from the night he was arrested until July 13 (Gregorian: July 26), halting all divine services in the region exceptbaptism and thelast rites for the dying. But, on July 7 1918, Abp. Andronik was murdered: he was buried alive and shot.In 2000, the Russian Orthodox Church glorified him as Hieromartyr Andronik, Archbishop Of Perm, one of the Russian
New Martyr s andConfessor s. Hisfeast day is July 7 on theJulian Calendar (Gregorian Calendar: July 20).External links
* [http://www.orthodox.net/russiannm/andronicus-archbishop-and-hieromartyr-of-perm-and-those-with-him.html Hieromartyr Andronicus, Archbishop Of Perm And Those With Him]
* [http://permcd.perm.ru/11/11_04_01.shtml The Early 20th Century and the Years of Revolution] - historical background
* [http://permcd.perm.ru/10/1002.shtml The Russian Orthodox Church] - background for church activities
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