Louis Sévèke

Louis Sévèke

Jean Louis Bernhard Sévèke (Venray, April 28,1964 - Nijmegen, November 15, 2005) was a Dutch radical-left activist, journalist and writer. He was known for his legal action against the Police and the Dutch intelligence service.

On November 15, 2005 he was murdered, aged 41, in the town centre of Nijmegen. Since that time rumours of involvement of police or secret services have been abound. A year after the murder the police seemed to have made little headway. It has been suggested that the Dutch secret service (AIVD) had a 24/7 surveillance on Sévèke at the time of his murder; however, there were no signs of information coming from the secret service to the police.

On March 28, 2007 the public prosecutor on the case revealed that a 38-year old man from Rotterdam, named Martinus Hendrikus T. according to the Spanish police, had confessed to the murder. The murderer and victim knew each other from the squatting movement. [cite web
url = http://www.nu.nl/news/1023441/15/rss/Rotterdammer_bekent_moord_S%E9v%E8ke.html
title = Rotterdammer bekent moord Sévèke
date = 2007-03-28
accessdate = 2007-03-28
publisher = nu.nl
language = Dutch
] The following day, it was revealed that revenge might have been the motive for the murder. [cite web
url = http://www.nu.nl/news/1024404/14/%27Wraak_was_motief_voor_moord_op_S%E9v%E8ke%27.html
title = Wraak was motief voor moord op Sévèke
date = 2007-03-29
accessdate = 2007-03-29
publisher = nu.nl
language = Dutch
] Some people suggest that Sévèke suspected T. to be an informant of the intelligence agency, and T. had "sworn revenge" in his diary for being removed from the squatting scene because of that suspicion. Sévèke's family denies that T. was removed from the scene but instead went away himself as a result of a discussion on taking money from houseowners for leaving.

On March 7, 2008, T. was convicted for the assassination of Sévèke, and was sentenced to life imprisonment.


3. Het Laatste Nieuws over Sévèke [http://www.laatstenieuws.nl/2007/04/07/seveke-beschermde-eigen-moordenaar]

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