- Lycianthes
image_width = 240px
image_caption =Blue Potato Bush ("Lycianthes rantonnei ")
regnum =Plant ae
divisio =Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Solanales
familia =Solanaceae
genus = "Lycianthes"
genus_authority =
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision = About 200, see text"Lycianthes" is a
genus ofplant s from the nightshade family (Solanaceae ), found in both theOld World and theNew World , but predominantly in the latter. It contains roughly 200species , mostly from tropical America, with 35-40 species in Asia and the Pacific."Lycianthes" is apparently closely related to the chili and bell peppers ("Capsicum"). However, it was long confused with the
nightshade s ("Solanum"), and several little-known "Solanum" species presumably belong here.Solanaceae Source [2008] ]Species include:
* "Lycianthes australis " (C.V.Morton) Hunz. & Barboza
* "Lycianthes biflora " (Lour.) Bitter
* "Lycianthes denticulata " (Blume) Bitter
* "Lycianthes hypochrysea "
* "Lycianthes laevis " (Dunal) Bitter
* "Lycianthes lycioides " (L.) Hassl.
* "Lycianthes mociniana " (Dunal) Bitter – "tlanochtle" (Nahuatl )
* "Lycianthes rantonnei " (Carrière) Bitter –Blue Potato Bush
* "Lycianthes rimbachii "
* "Lycianthes shanesii " (F.Muell.) A.R.Bean
* ""Solanum chrysophyllum""
* ""Solanum lanuginosum""
* ""Solanum loxense""
* ""Solanum mucronatum"" – "pepino "Other "Solanum"
taxa of unknown identity but presumably belonging into "Lycianthes" include "S. ciliatum" Blume ex Miq., "S. corniculatum" Hiern, "S. retrofractum" var. "acuminatum", "S. violaceum" Blume, "S. violifolium" f. "typicum", "S. virgatum" notst "ß albiflorum", "S. uniflorum" Lag. and "S. uniflorum" var. "berterianum".ee also
Nonochton Footnotes
* [2008] : [http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/research/projects/solanaceaesource PBI "Solanum": A worldwide treatment] . Retrieved 2008-OCT-01.
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