ISO 6346

ISO 6346

ISO 6346 is an international standard for coding, identification and marking of freight containers.

It establishes:
*an identification system with:
**an owner code, commonly known as BIC code
**an equipment category identifier
**a serial number
**a check digit
*a size and type code
*a country code
*operational marks

Identification System

The individual digits of the serial number keep their numeric value.

Calculation Step 2

Each of the numbers calculated in step 1 is multiplied by 2position, where position is the exponent to basis 2. Position starts at 0, from left to right.

The following table shows the multiplication factors:

Country Code (Optional)

The country code consists of two capital letters of the Latin alphabet as described in ISO 3166. It indicates the country where the code is registered not the nationality of the owner or operator of the container. The letters of the code shall not less than 100 mm high.

Mandatory Operational Marks

Operational marks are intended solely to convey information requested for the movement of containers or give visual warnings. They relate to
*the weight of containers
*a symbol to denote air-surface container
*a sign warning of overhead electrical danger
*a height mat be for containers higher than 2.6m (8 ft 6 in)


*Bureau International des Containers: Containers BIC-Code (printed brochure)
* [ Container Numbering Guide]

ee also

"The following is a list of further freight container related ISO specifications, where not all have an article assigned yet (you can help improve Wikipedia and start one):"
*ISO 668 - Freight containers - Classification, dimensions and ratings
*ISO 830 - Freight containers - Terminology
*ISO 1161 - Freight containers - Corner fittings - Specification
*ISO 1496 - Freight containers - Specification and testing
*ISO 2308 - Hooks for lifting freight containers of up to 30 tons capacity - Basic requirements
*ISO 3874 - Freight containers - Handling and securing
*ISO 8323 - Freight containers - Air/surface (intermodal) general purpose containers - Specification and tests
*ISO 9669 - Freight containers - Interface connections for tank containers
*ISO 9711 - Freight containers - Information related to containers on board vessels
*ISO 9897 - Container equipment data exchange (CEDEX)
*ISO 10368 - Freight thermal containers - Remote condition monitoring
*ISO 10374 - Freight containers - Automatic identification

External links

* [ Bureau International des Containers (BIC)]
* [ Freight Container Check Digit Calculator] (includes Java source code for download)
* [ ITCO technical questions]
* [ List of owner codes] (no official BIC site)
* [ Online check digit calculator]
* [ Russian maritime register of shipping - BIC representation]
* [ Container numbers validator]
* [ Get container dimensions and type by ISO code]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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