Drinks Americas

Drinks Americas

Drinks Americas (OTCBB: DKAMD) is a beverage distribution company based out of Wilton, Connecticut. Drinks Americas Holdings, LTD., develops, owns, markets, and internationally distributes alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages associated with celebrities.



The company's non-alcoholic brands include the distribution of Paul Newman's Own Lightly Sparkling Fruit Juice Drinks, Flavored Waters, and Teas. Besides the products below, Drinks Americas also owns and distributes Damiana Liqueur and Aguila Tequila from Mexico, Cohete Rum Guarana from Panama, Willie Nelson's Old Whiskey River Bourbon and Bourbon Cream, and Caso BoMargo Wines.[1]

Rheingold Beer

The Rheingold brand was purchased by Drinks Americas Holdings Ltd. in 2005.[2] In September 2010 the distribution of Rheingold Beer was expanded to Connecticut, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, [3] as well as Maryland in November.[4]

Trump Super Premium Vodka

Trump Super Premium Vodka was released in 2006, with a slogan of: "Success Distilled." Commenting on the initial introduction of his signature vodka, Trump remarked, "A great friend of mine was a founder of Grey Goose. And what we're going to do is top it. I want to top them just because it's fun to top my friends." -Donald Trump on Larry King Live [5] In September 2007, Trump Super Premium Vodka received its first of several high grade ratings from F. Paul Picault's Spirit Journal. Four out of Five stars "because it finishes elegantly, oily/creamy, and snack cracker like." In the same edition, Grey Goose, the leading Super Premium Vodka company in terms of sales, received Two Stars.[6] In 2007 Recolte of Russia committed to an annual purchase of 50000 cases for the Russian market, totaling $7.5 million per year.[citation needed] In 2008, flavored Trump vodkas were released including raspberry, grape, orange, and citron.[7]

Universal Interscope Geffen A&M Records

In June 2007, Drinks Americas entered into a partnership agreement with Interscope Geffen A&M, a division of Universal Music Group. It would mark the world's first equity partnership agreement between a music company and a beverage company. "There is a large opportunity here for both companies to generate substantial incremental revenue and profits," commented Patrick Kenny, CEO, Drinks Americas.[8]

In February 2008, Drinks Americas entered into an equity partnership with Dr. Dre to develop a line of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages including cognacs, sparkling vodka, champagne, and tequila bearing Dr. Dre's name.[9]


Drinks Americas currently holds tradeparks on the following products: TKO, Success Distilled, Trumptini, Cohete, and those waiting to be applied to new product introductions: Aftermath, Topless, Pacifique, LeBasse, El Jefe, Client Number 9, Dragonfly, Rock It, Rock Cola, and D'Oro. Live Trademarks for Drinks Americas

Board of directors

  • J. Patrick Kenny, President and Chief Executive Officer since March, 2005. He is a former Senior Vice President and General Manager of Joseph E. Seagram & Sons.[10]
  • Bruce K. Klein, Chairman of the Board[11]
  • Marvin Traub, former CEO and Chairman of Bloomingdales.[12]
  • Frederick Schulman, President and Director of East Coast Venture Capital, Inc.[13]
  • Hubert Millet, former President of Seagram's Global Brands Division based in Paris.[14]

On November 22, 2010 it was announced that former Coca Cola executive Shaun B. Higgins will serve in an advisory capacity to the firm.[15]

Notes and references

  1. ^ The New York Times. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/business/companies/drinks-americas-holdings-ltd/index.html. 
  2. ^ http://www.entrepreneur.com/tradejournals/article/134619290.html
  3. ^ http://www.marketwatch.com/story/drinks-americas-launches-sales-of-rheingold-beer-in-connecticut-2010-09-16?reflink=MW_news_stmp
  4. ^ http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/news.html?d=207779
  5. ^ Larry King Live. 2006-09-06.
  6. ^ Johnson, Richard (2007-09-17). "Goose Cooked". NY Post: p. PageSix. http://www.nypost.com/seven/09172007/gossip/pagesix/goose_cooked.htm. Retrieved 2010-10-17 
  7. ^ "Trump Flavors Launch To Fast Start In First 30 Days" (Press release). 2008-04-15. http://biz.yahoo.com/iw/080415/0386749.html. Retrieved 2008-07-18. 
  8. ^ Pugh, Nicci (2007-06-26). "Drinks Americas, Interscope Geffen to Partner". http://www.drinks-business-review.com/article_news.asp?guid=F6309621-854F-4697-AFEE-45C04B451FD7. Retrieved 2008-07-18. 
  9. ^ "Music Superstar/Entrepreneur Dr. Dre Partners With Drinks Americas to Launch Beverage Joint Venture" (Press release). 2008-02-25. http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS114497+25-Feb-2008+MW20080225. Retrieved 2008-07-18. 
  10. ^ http://investing.businessweek.com/businessweek/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=21958899&ticker=DKAMD:US&previousCapId=23053355&previousTitle=CASTLE%20BRANDS%20INC
  11. ^ http://investing.businessweek.com/businessweek/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=21958876&ticker=DKAMD:US&previousCapId=21826835&previousTitle=DRINKS%20AMERICAS%20HOLDINGS%20LTD
  12. ^ http://investing.businessweek.com/businessweek/research/stocks/private/person.asp?personId=662936&privcapId=10868371&previousCapId=21826835&previousTitle=DRINKS%20AMERICAS%20HOLDINGS%20LTD
  13. ^ http://investing.businessweek.com/businessweek/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=1246902&ticker=SKYL:US&previousCapId=21826835&previousTitle=DRINKS%20AMERICAS%20HOLDINGS%20LTD
  14. ^ http://investing.businessweek.com/businessweek/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=33169719&ticker=DKAMD:US&previousCapId=21826835&previousTitle=DRINKS%20AMERICAS%20HOLDINGS%20LTD
  15. ^ http://hken.ibtimes.com/articles/84450/20101122/drinks-americas-holdings-ltd-dkamd-ob-adds-former-coca-cola-executive-as-an-advisor.htm

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