Anton Schrötter von Kristelli

Anton Schrötter von Kristelli

Anton Schrötter von Kristelli (November 26, 1802 - April 15, 1875) was an Austrian chemist and mineralogist who was born in Olomouc, Moravia. He was a professor of chemistry at the Universities of Graz and Vienna. In 1851 he became general secretary of the Academy of Sciences. His son Leopold Schrötter Ritter von Kristelli (1837-1908) was a noted laryngologist.

Schrötter von Kristelli is remembered for his investigations of various metals and compounds at extreme temperatures, as well as the behavior of potassium in liquid nitrous oxide, and reactions of phosphorus and antimony in liquid chlorine. In 1845 he discovered red phosphorus, which led to the invention of the safety match.

He was a scientific advisor to the Novara Expedition (1857-59), as well as the Austrian-Hungarian North Pole Expedition. His name is associated with several terms; including "Schrötterhorn" of the Ortlergruppe in the Alps, "Cape Schrötter" on Franz Josef Land and the mineral "schrötterite", which is an opaline variety of allophane.


* "This article is based on a translation of an article from the German Wikipedia".

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