- Hermann von Schrötter
Anton Hermann Victor Thomas Schrötter, name sometimes referred to as Hermann Schrötter von Kristelli (
August 5 ,1870 -January 6 ,1928 ) was an Austrianphysiologist and physician who was a native ofVienna . He was the son of laryngologistLeopold von Schrötter (1837-1908), and grandson tochemist Anton Schrötter von Kristelli (1802-1875).He studied medicine and
natural sciences at the Universities of Vienna and Strasbourg, and in 1894 earned his medical degree, and during the following year received his doctorate of philosophy. Afterwards he worked underCarl Gussenbauer (1842-1903) at the University Hospital in Vienna and was an assistant to his father at the clinic ofinternal medicine . In the mid-1890s with physiologistNathan Zuntz (1847-1920) and others, he began investigations involving physiological effects on the body associated with air pressure and altitude change, and in 1896 made the first in a series of several high-altitude balloon ascents.In 1910 Schrötter accompanied scientists
Nathan Zuntz ,Arnold Durig (1872-1961) andJoseph Barcroft (1872-1947) on a expedition toTenerife where he performed research involving respiration andoxygenation at higher elevations. During theBalkan Wars of 1912-13 he worked with theRed Cross inMontenegro , and afterwards served as a physician duringWorld War I , which included a stint as "Sanitätschef" inJerusalem . After the war he was director of "Malariaspitals" inWieselburg , and following his discharge from military service, he was in charge of theAlland "Lungenheilanstalt" (lung hospital), which was founded by his father in 1898. In the 1920s, he made balneological studies of theDead Sea , and in 1925 was habilitated forinternal medicine at the University of Vienna.Schrötter was a pioneer of aviation and
hyperbaric medicine , and made important contributions in the study ofdecompression sickness . He was interested in the physiological effects that divers experienced when ascending from ocean depths, as well as the effects that higher altitudes placed upon balloonists and mountain climbers. On July 31, 1901meteorologists Arthur Berson (1859-1942) andReinhard Süring (1866-1950) aboard the balloon "Preussen", and equipped with portable compressed oxygen containers, were able to reach 10,800 meters above sea level. However, at 10,000 meters the two scientists succumbed to unconsciousness, and from this experiment Schrötter realized that even 100% oxygen would be an insufficient safeguard againsthypoxia at very high altitudes. He recognized that special pressurized breathing equipment would be necessary to maintain sufficient blood oxygenation, and proposed using a pressurized sealed chamber for very high altitude balloon flights.Schrötter did extensive research involving
pulmonary tuberculosis , and was a pioneer ofbronchoscopy . In 1905 withAdolf Loewy (1862-1937), he was the first to use an endobronchialcatheter as an instrument for airway separation in humans.Selected written works
* "Beobachtungen über physiologische Veränderungen der Stimme und des Gehörs bei Änderung des Luftdruckes" (Observations on physiological changes in voice and hearing due to changes of air pressure), with Richard Heller and William Mager, (1897)
* "Zur Kenntnis der Bergkrankheit" (Knowledge of Mountain Sickness); (1899)
* "Luftdruckerkrankungen. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der sogenannten Caissonkrankheit" (Air pressure disorders. With particular reference to Decompression Illness), with Richard Heller and William Mager, (1900)
* "Ueber eine seltene Ursache einseitiger Recurrenslähmung, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Symptomatologie und Diagnose des offenen Ductus Botalli" (1901)
* "Ergebnisse zweier Ballonfahrten zu physiologischen Zwecken" (Results of two Balloon Experiments for Physiological Purposes) with Nathan Zuntz, (1902)
* "Untersuchungen über Blutcirculation beim Menschen" (Blood Circulation Studies on Humans); with Adolf Loewy (1905)
* "Klinik der Bronchoskopie" (Hospital Broncoscopy), (1906)
* "Hygiene der Aeronautik und Aviatik" (Hygiene of Aeronautics and Aviation); (1912)
* "Vorträge über Tuberkulose für Ärzte" (Lectures for Physicians about Tuberculosis), (1913)
* "Skizzen eines Feldarztes aus Montenegro" (Sketches of a Field Doctor at Montenegro), (1913)
* "Das Tote Meer. Beitrag zur physikalischen Geographie und Balneologie mit Bemerkungen zur Flora der Ufergelände" (The Dead Sea; Contribution to the Physical Geography and Balneology with comments on the Flora of the Shore Area), (1924)
* "Über den Energieverbrauch bei musikalischer Betätigung" (Excess Energy Consumption in Musical Activity), with Adolf Loewy (1926)References
* "Parts of this article are based on a translation of an article from the German Wikipedia."
* [ Essay on Hypoxia]
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