Polish Club

Polish Club

Polish Club is a bridge bidding system which was developed in Poland, where it is the most popular bidding system, and also used by players of other countries. It is a type of small club system.

In Polish club, 1♣ opening bid is forcing for one round but it does not necessarily show a strong hand, in most versions of this system it shows either a weak balanced hand (about 12-14HCP), natural 1♣ opening or any strong hand.The consequence of that opening is that bids of 1, 1 and 1♠ are limited to about 18HCP and also 1 shows at least 4 cards (in some versions of the system it promises even at least 5 cards).

2♣ opening is usually reserved to show a limited hand with long clubs and possibly 4-card major, similar to Precision 2♣ opening.

Polish Club ("Wspolny Jezyk") 2005 as outlined in "Polish Club 2005 - A Brief Description" by Krzysztof Jassem:

1♣ opening:

# 1214 HCP, no 5-card major, no 4-card diamond suit. Five clubs are possible if the hand is balanced. Opener should not bid clubs on the next roundeven in competition.
# 1517 HCP, five clubs, unbalanced distribution. Opener bids clubs in the next round.
# 18+ HCP, any distribution.

=1 response=

# negative: 08 HCP. In the 78 HCP range, Responder should not have a 4-card major (the response of one of a major is 7+HCP, the 1NT response is 911 HCP).
# 911 unbalanced; either both minors (5-4), or one poor minor. (The hand does not qualify for any of the responses: 1NT, 2 in a minor, 3 in a minor).
# 1216 HCP balanced without a 4-card major. The hand is not suitable for declaring no trumps.:1♣ - 1:?:1/1♠ = better major (3 cards is possible):1NT = 1819 HCP, balanced:2♣ = 15+ HCP, natural:2 = artificial GF, exclusive of 2-suiter hands:2, 2♠, 3♣, 3 = 5+ in the bid suit, semi-forcing:2NT = 2224 HCP, balanced:3/3♠/4♣ = GF, 2-suiter (5-5)::3with hearts, then Responders 3♠ shows preference over hearts, 3NT asks for a minor, 4♣, 4 are cue bids with agreed hearts, 3♠spades and a minor, then 3NT asks for a minor, 4♣, 4 are cue bids, 4♣minors.

=1/1♠ responses=

7+HCP, 4+ cards, can have longer minor if less than GF

:1♣ - 1/1♠:?:2♣ = 15+, one-round force, then Responders 2 forces to game.:2 = Relay, 18+ HCP, promises at least 3 cards in Responders major.:2 = (After 1♠ response) 5+, (18+ HCP), GF:2NT = 18+ HCP, (semi-)balanced, denies 3-card support in Responders suit.:After 1♣-1/1♠-2, Responder bids as follows::2 = 710 HCP, 4 cards in the bid major:2♠ = 11+ HCP, 4 cards in the bid major:2NT = 11+ HCP, at least 5 cards in the bid major:3♣, 3 = 911 HCP, 5 in the bid minor, 4 in the bid major:3 = 710 HCP, 5 cards, unbalanced (then 3♠ asks for a shortage, 3NT asks for a side suit):3♠ = 710 HCP, 5332 with 5 in the bid major:3NT = 710 HCP, 6 cards in the bid major

1NT response

911 HCP, no 4-card major

:1♣ - 1NT::2♣ = natural, 15+ HCP, GF:2, 2, 2♠ = 5+ cards, 18+ HCP, GF

=2♣/2 responses=

5+ cards, GF, can have 4-card major

=2/2♠ responses=

Strong jump shift (semi-solid suit)

2NT response

12+ HCP, GF no 4-card major

=3♣/3 response=

Good 6-card suit, invitational (911 HCP)

=3/3♠ responses=

7-card suit with 2 high honours, nothing outside

=1 opening=

4+ cards, 1217 HCP possible canape: 4 diamonds; 5 clubs are possible if weak (1214 HCP)

* 2♣ responsenatural, promises 5 clubs, one-round force. Rebidding diamonds by Opener shows length (5 diamonds) and does not specify strength. The other 2-level bids show 4-card openings in the range of 1214 HCP.
* 2 responseinverted minor, 10+ HCP, 4 diamonds
* 3 responsepreemptive
* NT responses: 1NT = 710 HCP, 2NT = 1112 HCP; both deny a 4-card major.

=1/1♠ openings=

5 cards, 1217 HCP

* 1NT Responsenot forcingResponders 2NT is forcing after the suit is repeated.1 1♠/1NT2 2NT = forces to 3 of a major; opener shows shortage, and1♠ 1NT2♠ 2NT = forces to 3 of a major; opener shows shortageTwo-over-one responseforces to three of that suit.
* 2♣ response is semi-natural.Rebidding the suit by Opener shows a minimum and does not show length.2NT rebid by Opener shows strength (1517 HCP).
* 2NT responselimit raise with support
* Jump raisepreemptiveTwo types of Splinter bids1 - 3♠ = any shortage, 912 HCP (then 3NT asks shortage)1♠ - 3NT = any shortage, 912 HCP (then 4♣ asks shortage)1 - 3NT = spade shortage, 1216 HCP1/1♠ - 4♣, 4, 4 (after 1♠) = bid shortage, 1216 HCPDrury-fit by a passed hand2 of the bid major is the weakest rebid.Jump shift by a passed handinvitational (911 HCP)

1NT opening

1517 HCP

*Stayman 2♣Openers 2 does not deny four spades.Responders subsequent bidding is natural: forcing atthe 3-level, non-forcing at the 2-level. Also:1NT - 2♣; 2 - 2♠ = invitational (79 HCP), 5 spades, 4 hearts, and1NT - 2♣; 2/2♠ - 3/3 = transfer, agrees Openers suit, GF
* Jacoby transfers 2/2Transfer to hearts (2) does not deny five spades.Responders new suit at the 3-level forces to game. Also:1NT - 2; 2 - 2♠ forces to 3 (8+ HCP)
* 2♠ responsetransfer for clubs. Opener may choose between a positive 2NT, and a negative 3♣. Responder may continue by showing shortage.
* 2NT responselimit
* 3♣ responsetransfer to diamonds, weak or strong Opener is obliged to bid 3. Responder may continue by showing shortage.
* 3natural, inviting
* 3/3♠5431 convention: GF, both minors: at least 5-4, shortage in the bid suit

2♣ Opening

Precision: 5 clubs and a 4−card major, or 6 clubs, 1114 HCP

* 2 responserelay, forcing to 3♣. Opener shows a 4-card suit (3 shows extras) or makes a choice between 2NT and 3♣ with long clubs.
* 2/2♠ responsenot forcing, good 5-card suit (711 HCP)
* 2NT responseweak support in clubs or GF two-suiter. Puppet to 3♣. Opener must bid 3♣. Responder either passes or shows his suits: 3 = diamonds and hearts, 3 = hearts and spades 3♠ = spades and diamonds.
* 3♣ responselimit raise (invitational)
* 3/3/3♠ responselimit, good 6-card suit

=2 opening=

Weak two in a major (limited Multi), 6+ cards, 611 HCP.

* 2/2♠/3/3♠ responsepass or correct
* 2NTrelay, forcing to 3 of the majorOpener bids:3♣ = good opening, 3 relays and 3 shows spades. 3♠ shows hearts.3 = hearts, minimum opening3 = spades, minimum opening
* 3♣ responseGF, any one-suited hand, puppet to 3.
* 3game-invitational with support in both majorsOpener bids 4♣ with hearts and 4 with spades if the invitation is accepted.
* 4♣ responseasks Opener to bids the suit below his major. Opener bid 4 with hearts and 4 with spades.
* 4 responseasks Opener to bids his suit.
* 4/4♠ responseto play

=2/2♠ openings=

Polish two−suiters, 611 HCP.

* Opening 2 = any 5-5 with hearts (spades possible)
** 2♠ response = pass or correct
* Opening 2♠ = 5 spades and 5 of a minor
** 2NT responseasks for another suit. With hearts and spades Opener bids 3. Other responsesnatural

2NT opening

5-5 in minor, 6-11HCP.

* 3 asks to bid a longer minor or a longer major if minors are equal.
* 3♠natural, forcing

3NT opening

Gambling (no stopper outside)

* 4 asks for singleton.

Conventions in an uncontested auction

Jump shift

Strong, semi−solid suit, slam interest

Fourth suit

Invites to game after an initial one-over-one response. Responder may pass in the subsequent bidding but Opener may not. Fourth suit forces to game after a two-over-one response.

Third suit

If Opener raises the third suit, that promises four cards in the suit and denies a stopper in the unbid suit. 3NT bid by Opener shows four cards in the third suit and promises a stopper in the unbid suit.

Forcing 2NT

Responders 2NT is forcing after a two-over-one response.

2♣check back

Weak with clubs or game invitational, or game forcing Openers rebids:
* 2 = minimum opening, no 3-card support
* 2 in Responders suit = minimum opening, 3-card support
* 2 in the other major = nice opening, 3-card support
* 2NT = nice opening, no 3-card supportResponders continuations: 3♣ signs off. 2 in the bid major is non-forcing (1012 HCP). Other bids (including 2NT) are game forcing.

En passant

In an uncontested auction, stoppers are shown. In competition, bidding the opponents suit asks for a stopper. If opponents bid two suits, bidding the higher-level suit promises stopper in the lower-level suit.

lam bidding

=Roman Key Card Blackwood 1430=

5♣ = 1 or 45 = 0 or 35 = 2 or 5, no kings5♠ = 2 and a king, etc.

Exclusion Key Card Blackwood (1430 responses)

After trump agreement, an unusual jump shift at the 5-level (or 4♠ when hearts are agreed) asks for key cards, exclusive of the ace of the bid suit.


The cheapest bid after key cards are shown asks for kings. The next cheapest bid shows no kings, etc.


Kind of Josephine; asks for the number of high honours (ace, king or queen) in trumps 6♣ = 0, 6 = 1, etc.

Cue bids

First− and second−round controls are treated as equals

plinter bids

Weaker and stronger types after 1/1♠ openings13♠ = weaker Splinter (912 HCP), any shortage, 3NT asks13NT = regular Splinter (1216 HCP), spade shortage1♠3NT = weaker Splinter, any shortage, 4♣ asks1/1♠4♣/4/4 = regular Splinters (1216 HCP)


An unusual shift jump agrees bidders own suit only if Partner has not shown any suit.

ix in the Splinter suit

Asks partner to bid the grand slam with a void in the splinter-suit.

Interference after Blackwood

DOPI. Double = 0, pass = 1, the cheapest bid = 2 keycards, etc.

Competitive bidding

Over opponents takeout double

* Jump shiftsuit and support (fit showing jump)
* New suitforcing at 1-level (except 1; see below), non-forcing at 2-level
* Redouble = 10+ HCPOpener bids before Responder: this shows a minimum if the bid is cheaper than two in the opening bid, but shows extras otherwise.
* 1 response over opponents doublenatural, not forcing
* Support bidding after Partners 1/1♠ opening is doubled:
** 1NT = 79(10) HCP; 3-card support
** 2NT = limit raise: 4-card support
** Jump shift shows suit and support.

Over opponents overcall

* New suit is forcing at the level of 1 and 3. New suit is not forcing at the level of 2.
* Jump raise is pre-emptive.

=Support bidding after Partners 1/1♠ opening is overcalled=

2NT promises good support (usually 4 cards) and forces to game. Direct cue bid is game-invitational, or game forcing with flat distribution and defensive values.

After Partners 1NT opening is overcalled

* Double is negativepart score range.
* New suit is non-forcing at the two-level, but forcing at the three-level.
* Lebensohl: either GF with 4 cards in the other major or non-forcing with an unbid suit.

=After Partners 2/2/2♠ opening is overcalled=

* New suit = pass or correct.
* Double is for penalties.

Negative double

Through 4 Negative doubles include, apart from standard agreements, forcing hands with a weak 5-card suit andafter 1/1♠ openinginvitational no-trump hands.

When the second defender overcalls

* Support double. A support double does not show extras but promises offensive values.
* After a 1♣ opening, double is two-way: either a support double or a stronger variant of the opening.

Defensive bidding

No−trump hands

* 1NT and 2NT non-jump overcalls1518 HCP with a stopper. Subsequent bidding: the same as after a 1NT opening
* 1NT re-opening1215 HCP. Subsequent bidding: the same as after a 1NT opening
* 2NT re-opening1921 HCP Subsequent bidding: similar to after the 1NT opening
* Jump overcallsdirect: natural, pre−emptive; re−opening: constructive
* Takeout doubles and strong doubles (17+HCP). Takeout doubles promise three cards in unbid majors and two cards in unbid minors. Equal level conversion shows extras.
* After Partner has doubled 1♣, a 1 bid is negative, other 1-level suit bids are forcing.

=After 2 artificial opening (Multi or Wilkosz)=

Second hands double is for takeout of spades. Pass and then double after 2/3 in the next round is for takeout of hearts::2 dble 2 dble = responsive:2 dble 2♠ dble = punitiveFourth hands live double is for takeout::2 pass 2/2♠ dble = takeout of hearts/spades respectively

Direct cue bid

Michaels cue bidunlimited

Jump cue bid

Jump cue bid shows either a solid suit and asks for a stopper or shows any game-forcing one-suiter hand.

Versus strong 1 NT opening

* Double shows two suits: 5+ cards in a minor, 4+ cards in a major.
* 2♣ = major two-suiter
* 2 = 6+ card in one major
* 2/2♠ = 5 cards in the bid suit and a 4-card minor

Versus weak 1NT opening

Double is for takeout. Other bids show the same shape as versusa strong no trump and promise opening values.


* Drury (2♣) promises fit, rebidding the suit is weakest bid.
* Lebensohl after 2/2♠ and Partners double

Leads and signals

* Leads are 2nd best from bad suits (low from two); 4th best from good suits; top of honours; ace from ace-king, king from king- -queen, etc., except 9 from 109x(x).
* Signals are upside down throughout. In Partners led-suit count is preferred in suit contracts, attitude is preferred in no trump contracts.
* Echo against no trump contractsa small card in Declarers first-played suit (from either hand) accepts the lead. Lavinthalstandard way (discouraging in the suit discarded, suit preference for the other 2 suits).

External links

* [http://web.archive.org/http://home1.gte.net/yweare/pc-1c.htm Summary of Polish Club]
* [http://www.geocities.com/daniel_neill_2001/sys/WJ2005webpage.htm#_ftn1 Wspólny język 2005(Polish standard)] ]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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