United Nations Iran–Iraq Military Observer Group

United Nations Iran–Iraq Military Observer Group

The United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group, or UNIIMOG, was a United Nations commission created during the Iran–Iraq War.

The commission was created based on UN resolution 619.

Mission statement

Its goal was to monitor, since August 1988, the armistice held between both parties which was drawn following UN resolution 598 of July 20 1987. A personal representative of the UN Secretary-General secured the implementation of the UN resolution, and Brigadier General Anam Khan, from Bangladesh, stood as the highest military observer on both sides.

According to the UN, "UNIIMOG was established in August 1988 to verify, confirm and supervise the ceasefire and the withdrawal of all forces to the internationally recognized boundaries, pending a comprehensive settlement. UNIIMOG was terminated in February 1991 after Iran and Iraq had fully withdrawn their forces to the internationally recognized boundaries."

Countries involved

Troops were deployed by Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Denmark, Finland, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Yugoslavia, Canada, Kenya, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Austria, Peru, Poland, Zambia, Sweden, Senegal, Turkey, Hungary, and Uruguay.

One military personnel died during the UNIIMOG mission.

External links

* [http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko/dpko/co_mission/uniimog.htm UNIIMOG description from UN website]

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