VA-111 Shkval

VA-111 Shkval

The VA-111 "Shkval" (from Russian: шквал - "squall" ) torpedo and its descendants are supercavitating torpedoes developed by the Soviet Union. They are capable of speeds in excess of 200 knots (370 km/h).

Design and capabilities

Design began in the 1960s when the NII-24 research institute was ordered to produce a new weapon system capable of combating nuclear submarines. In 1969, the GSKB-47 merged with NII-24 to create the Research Institute of Applied Hydromechanics in Kiev, Ukraine (constructor Merkulov); the Shkval being a product of this merger.

Announced as being deployed in the early 1990s, although previously operational as early as 1977 [] , the "Shkval" is designed as a countermeasure against torpedoes launched by undetected enemy submarines. It may also be used as a counter to incoming torpedoes whereby it is launched at the enemy submarine, forcing it to evade, and hopefully cutting the guidance wire to its own torpedo in the process.

The speed of the VA-111 far exceeds that of any standard torpedo currently fielded by NATO. This speed is a result of supercavitation: the torpedo is, in effect, flying in a gas bubble created by outward deflection of water by its specially shaped nose cone and the expansion of gases from its engine. By keeping water from contacting the surface of the body of the torpedo, this significantly reduces drag and allows extremely high speeds. In effect, the "Shkval" is an underwater missile.

Launched from 533 mm torpedo tubes, the VA-111 exits the tube at 50 knots. Shortly afterwards, its rocket ignites and propels it to speeds of up to 200 knots. Some reports indicate that speeds of 250+ knots may be achieved, and that work on a 300 knot version was underway [Polmar, 2004, Cold War Submarines, p. 304; Baker, Combat Fleets of the World 2000-2001, p.581] .

Guidance was nonexistent in initial designs, as the missile was intended for nuclear warhead delivery. Later designs reportedly include terminal guidance and conventional warheads of 210kg (460 pounds) [Polmar, 2004, Cold War Submarines, p. 304] .

The missile controls its direction using four fins that skim the inner surface of the supercavitation envelope. To change direction, the fin or fins on the inside of the desired turn are extended, and the opposing fins are retracted.

China reportedly bought 40 Shkvals from Kazakhstan in 1998.Fact|date=August 2008


There are at least three variants:
* VA-111 "Shkval" - Original variant; believed to be unguided (or perhaps tracking but not very maneuverable)
* "Shkval 2" - Current variant; believed to be guided, possibly via the use of vectored thrust, and with much longer range.
* A "lite" version currently being exported to various world navies.

Currently, all versions are believed to be outfitted solely with conventional explosive warheads, however fitting a nuclear warhead appears possible.

* Length: 8.2 m
* Diameter: 533 mm
* Weight: 2700 kg
* Warhead weight: 210 kg
* Speed
**Launch Speed: 50 kt (93 km/h)
**Maximum Speed: 200+ kt (370 km/h)
* Range: Around 7,000 m to 13,000 m (New version) Older versions could only fire 2,000 m.




External links

* [ FAS page on the VA-111 "Shkval" underwater rocket]
* [ Military periscope page]
* [ German supercavitating torpedo]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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