Pierre Jonquères d'Oriola

Pierre Jonquères d'Oriola

Pierre Jonquères d'Oriola, born February 1 1920 in Corneilla-del-Vercol, France, is a French equestrian, who competed in the sport of show jumping.

D'Oriola twice won Olympic gold medals in the individual Grand Prix show jumping
Jumping Grand Prix
event, at Helsinki in 1952, aboard "Ali Baba", and at Tokyo in 1964, on "Lutteur B". Also at Tokyo, with Janous Lefevre and Guy Lefrant, again riding "Lutteur B", he earned a team silver medal in jumping. In Mexico City, 1968, on "Nagir", with teammates Lefevre and Jean Marcel Rozier, he acquired another silver in team jumping.

At the Show Jumping World Championships, in Paris, 1953, d'Oriola (on "Ali Baba") took a bronze medal in the individual competition. In 1954, at Madrid, aboard "Arlequin", he gained a silver in the individual competition. D'Oriola, riding "Pomone B", was the gold medal World Champion in show jumping at Buenos Aires in 1966. He was also 4th at the 1953 and 1955, World Championships. [ [http://www2.ridsport.se/t2.aspx?p=105449 World Championship results from Swedish Equestrian Federation] ]

Pierre Jonquères d'Oriola, with horse "Virtuoso", was silver medalist at the European Show Jumping Championships in Paris, 1959.

Pierre d'Oriola's cousin, Christian d'Oriola, was also both an Olympic and World Championship gold medalist, in the sport of fencing.


External links

* [http://www.databaseolympics.com/players/playerpage.htm?ilkid=JONQUPIE01 Olympic medals]

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