- Gudmund Schütte
Gudmund Schütte (
January 17 1872 -July 12 1958 ) was a
Danish philologist andhistorian specialized inthe Danishprehistory .Bibliography (selected)
*cite book | last = Schütte | first = Gudmund | title = Primaeval Astronomy in Scandinavia
*cite book | last = Schütte | first = Gudmund | year = 1906 | title = Esperanto or English? : II: The case for English
*cite book | last = Schütte | first = Gudmund | year = 1913 | pages = 15
title = [http://www.northvegr.org/lore/sagabook/n001.php The cult of Nerthus]
*cite book | last = Schütte | first = Gudmund | year = 1917 | pages = 184
title = Ptolemy's maps of northern Europe : a reconstruction of the prototypes | publisher = Royal Danish Geographical Society
*cite book | last = Schütte | first = Gudmund | year = 1929-33
title = Our forefathers : The Gothonic nations : A manual of the ethnography of the Gothic, German, Dutch, Anglo-Saxon, Frisian and Scandinavian peoples
publisher = University Press
*cite book | last = Schütte | first = Gudmund | year = 1945 | language = German | pages = 23
title = Die Angeln und ihr Land
publisher = Sydslesvigsk Udvalg af 5/5 1945
*cite book | last = Schütte | first = Gudmund | year = 1952 | pages = 168
title = A ptolemaic riddle solved
*cite book | last = Schütte | first = Gudmund | year = 1952 | pages = 168
title = Ptolemy's maps and life
*cite book | last = Schütte | first = Gudmund | year = 1956 | language = Danish | pages = 23
title = Sønderjyllands Modstandssaga : en Gennemgang af den slesvigske Kamp mod tysk Fremtrængen
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