

:"See also Autocar Company and Autocars Co., American and Israeli automobile manufacturers, respectively":"see Otokar for the Turkish automobile manufacturer"

Autocar is a weekly British automobile magazine published by Haymarket Motoring Publications Ltd.


It is the oldest surviving car magazine in the world. It was launched as "The Autocar" "in the interests of the mechanically propelled road carriage" on November 2 1895 when, it is believed, there were only six or seven cars in the United Kingdom. L. J. K. Setright suggests in his book, [cite book
author=Setright, L. J. K.
title=Drive On!: A Social History of the Motor Car
publisher=Granta Books
id=ISBN 1-86207-698-7
] on the social history of the motor car, that the magazine was set up as an organ of propaganda for Harry J. Lawson, who was an early journalist on the magazine, and the founder of the Daimler Motor Company. It claims to have invented the road test in 1928 when it analysed the Austin 7 Gordon England Sunshine Saloon. It continues publishing weekly. Only strikes in the 1970s have interrupted its frequency. In 1988, it absorbed its long-time rival "The Motor" magazine, founded on January 28 1903, briefly calling itself "Autocar & Motor" afterwards, before reverting to "Autocar". In its famous Christmas numbers, it has tested exotic, fictional vehicles such as Santa's Sleigh as well as real 'vehicles' such as the aircraft carrier Ark Royal and Concorde supersonic aircraft.


In the 2000s, it has further licensed its name to other countries' publishers and now has 19 editions worldwide, including Japan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and China. The Indian edition has proved very popular and has established a good reputation. It also has a new updated website [] It is edited by Hormazd Sorabjee who is the only Indian who serves on the jury of the International Engine Of The year award.


Autocar is often seen as the most respected and influential magazine in the automotive industry. For example:
*Autocar followed the development of the McLaren F1 and was the first magazine allowed to carry out a full road test on the car, producing the first official performance figures along the way.
*First authorised road test on the Jaguar XJ220 and road-going Porsche 911 GT1, again producing the first official performance figures.
*First magazine to produce authorised performance figures for the Bugatti Veyron, these being published in the 31 May 2006 issue.


Current "Top Gear" presenter, James May was sacked from the magazine in 1992 for putting a hidden message in a supplement, hinting at the tedium he had felt during his work on its compilation. [] .

External links

* [ "Autocar" official site]
* [ "Autocar India" official site]


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