Itzik Basman

Itzik Basman

Itzik Basman was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba on November 11, 1946. He got his B.A. in English Literature from the University of British Columbia ("U.B.C.") in 1968. He received his Secondary School Teaching Certificate from U.B.C. in 1970, and his Masters degree in English Literature from U.B.C. in 1971, writing his 125 page Masters' Thesis on the novels of Mordecai Richler. From 1972--1975 he attended Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto, graduating with his L.L.B. in 1975. After articling and completing the Ontario Bar Admissions Course, Itzik Basman was called to the bar in Ontario in March 1977. He has practiced law from his call to date in Toronto, specializing in Family Law, Civil Litigation, and Appellate Advocacy. He has pleaded cases in all civil Ontario courts, including many times in the Ontario Court of Appeal, as well as the Supreme Court of Canada. Itzik Basman practices law in association with James Rose under the firm name Basman & Rose. He published on line in 2004 his extended essay on Hamlet, entitled "Futility As Tragedy: An Interpretation Of Hamlet". It can be found at Lulu.Com. [ [] (ISBN 978-1-4116-0654-8; standard copyright license; 135 pages)] It was critically reviewed both in "Kritikos" [Justin Taylor, "Conceptions of Class, the State and the Supernatural in the Lands of Nod, Denmark and North America," "Kritikos", Vol. 2: June 2005, ISSN 1552-5112 (online at: [] .] and "Politics and Culture" [ [Brian Meredith, "In the Statedness of Denmark," "Politics and Culture", 2005, Issue 3 (online: [] )] ] . A few of his poems have been published on line as well by the on line poetry curator George Manos. Itzik Basman had an essay published in the Ontario Advocates' Quarterly, entitled "Continuing Discovery". It grew out of an essay done while working towards his L.L.M. at Osgoode Hall, towards which he completed all course work, but has not yet completed his required thesis. He lives in Toronto with his wife the educator Sharon Basman. His daughter Aviva Basman is a lawyer in Toronto and his other daughter Lainie Basman is a second year law student at McGill University in Montreal. Many of Itzik Basman's comments on varieties of topics can be found on line at The New Republic and on many other on line sites.


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