Elena Garro

Elena Garro

Elena Garro (December 12, 1916August 22, 1998) was a Mexican writer. She was once married to writer Octavio Paz.


Born to a Spanish father and Mexican mother, Elena Garro was born in Puebla in 1916. She spent her childhood in Mexico City but moved to Iguala, Guerrero, during the Cristero War. She studied literature, choreography and theater in the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City. While she lived in Mexico City she met Octavio Paz, whom she married in 1938. They had a daughter, Helena. They later divorced in 1959.

After the 1968 Tlatelolco Massacre, she accused certain Mexican intellectuals of being responsible of instigating the students and later abandoning them. These accusations caused resentment in the intellectual community who repudiated her. In 1972, Garro left the country and lived in exile in France for twenty years.

When she returned to Mexico she lived in Cuernavaca with her daughter and 37 catsFact|date=March 2007. She suffered from lung cancer due to smoking and Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (CONACULTA) covered her medical expenses. She later died from this illness.

Her work touches on the themes of the marginalization of women and racism.

Literary career

Due to the overshadowing of Octavio Paz's figure, Garro did not have much recognition while she was alive. Some critics consider her to be the second most important Mexican female writer (the first being Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz).Fact|date=October 2007 Other critics say she is the precursor to magical realism due to her published novel "Los recuerdos del porvenir" four years before Gabriel García Márquez released "Cien años de soledad".

Jorge Luis Borges, Silvina Ocampo and Adolfo Bioy Casares, published in 1940 a short theatrical piece by her , "Un hogar sólido", in the second edition of the "Antología de la literatura fantástica" (Anthology of fantastic literature).



*Felipe Ángeles (1979)
*Un hogar sólido (1958)
*Los pilares de doña Blanca
*El rey mago
*Andarse por las ramas
*Ventura Allende
*El encanto
*Los perros
*El árbol (1963)
*La dama boba
*El rastro
*Benito Fernández
*La mudanza
*Parada San Ángel
*La señora en su balcón. (1994 ISBN. 968-856-379-X)
*Coca Cola
*Sócrates y los gatos. (2003. ISBN 970-651-708-1)


*Los recuerdos del porvenir (1963)
*Testimonios sobre Mariana (1981)
*Reencuentro de personajes (1982)
*La casa junto al río Grijalbo (1983)
*Y Matarazo no llamó (1991)
*Inés (1995)
*Busca mi esquela y Primer amor (1996)(ISBN 968-7415-36-3)
*Un traje rojo para un duelo (1996) (ISBN 968-7415-51-7)
*Un corazón en un bote de basura (1998) (ISBN 968-27-0672-6)
*Mi hermanita Magdalena (1998) (ISBN 970-20-0062-9)
*La vida empieza a las tres. (1997) (ISBN 968-7415-91-6)

hort stories

*La culpa es de los tlaxcaltecas
*La semana de colores (1964 ISBN 968-419-882-5)
*Andamos huyendo Lola (1980)
*El accidente y otros cuentos inéditos


*Memorias de España 1937. México: Siglo Veintiuno, 1992. ISBN 968-23-1827-0

News report

*Revolucionarios mexicanos


* Award Xavier Villaurrutia (1963)
* Award Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1996)
* Award Grijalbo (1989)

Further reading

* "La doble memoria de la loca". Sergio Callao en "Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana". Lima-Hanover 2001
* Melgar, Lucía; Gabriela Mora: "Elena Garro: lectura múltiple de una personalidad compleja". Puebla: Benemérita Univ. Autónoma de Puebla, 2002. ISBN 968-863-628-2
* "A different reality: Studies on the work of Elena Garro", ed. by Anita K. Stoll. Lewisburg, Pa.: Bucknell Univ. Press, 1990.ISBN 0-8387-5166-0
*Perea-Fox, Susana: "Elena Garro y los rostros del poder". D.F. México, Editorial Cenzontle, 2007. ISBN 978-970-9929-08-9
*Rosas Lopátegui, Patricia: "Yo sólo soy memoria: biografía visual de Elena Garro". Mexico: Ed. Castillo, 2000. ISBN 970-20-0088-2
*Rosas Lopátegui Patricia: "Testimonios sobre Elena Garro". Biografía exclusiva y autorizada de Elena Garro, Monterrey, México, Ediciones Castillo, 2002. ISBN 970-20-0285-0
*Rosas Lopátegui Patricia: "El asesinato de Elena Garro. Periodismo a través de una perspectiva biográfica", México, Porrúa, 2005. ISBN 970-07-6159-2
* Winkler, Julie A.: "Light into shadow: marginality and alienation in the work of Elena Garro". New York; Vienna: Lang, 2001. (Currents in comparative Romance languages and literatures; 76 ) ISBN 0-8204-4071-X

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