Renouveau français

Renouveau français

Renouveau français (literally "French renewal") is a small French far-right nationalist political party affiliated to the European National Front. Founded in November 2005, the group has been associated with the anti-capitalist rhetoric of Strasserism. [R. Griffin, "The Nature of Fascism", 1993, p. 166]

Renouveau français politically defines itself as nationalist, Catholic and "anti-revolutionary" — in this case, opposed to the principles of the French Revolution of 1789. Nevertheless, the organisation has a tricolour logo [a stylised white fleur-de-lis on blue and red background ; the three colours are one of the most prominent symbols of the French Revolution ] and claims to defend the "French nation" [The concept of France as a "nation" was one of the advances introduced by the French Revolution, but members of Renouveau français claim that it dates back to the baptism of Clovis I in 496.]


Renouveau français describes itself as a "structure for reflexion, formation and information, outside electoralist framework, independent from all political formations and from all cleavages".

Renouveau français is coordinated by a directorial committee and has regional branches in Île-de-France, Bretagne, Anjou, Normandy, Vendée and Alsace [ [ Structure] on] [ [ Contacts] on] . They claim several hundreds members and "thousands" of sympathisers.


Renouveau français describes itself as "nationalist", defining the notion as "defence of vital interests of France and the French, without any hatred".

Renouveau français is anti-republican, and denounces freemasonry and "lobbys", as well as marxism, socialism and democracy. The organisation claims heirdom of far-right personalities as Charles Maurras, Édouard Drumont, Maurice Barrès, Jacques Ploncard d'Assac and Henry Coston [ [ Nationalisme] on] . Their site hosts editorials from former members of the OAS [ [ Les raisons de combattre] , by Robert Martel]

Electoral stance

Renouveau français claims to be "off the left/right cleavage", a common claim of the French far-right. Indeed, in 2007, Renouveau français encouraged its sympathisers to vote for "no other candidate than Jean-Marie Le Pen" [ Communiqué du 30 mars 2007] ] , describing him as "only credible representant of the patriotic trend". Still, Renouveau français warned against the "democratic system", and the "fundamentally masonic, laic and cosmopolitan Republic".

External links

* [ Official Site]
* [ European National Front]
* [ French Nationalist Magazine "L'Héritage"]


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