- Panaeolus africanus
name = "Panaeolus africanus"
regnum =Fungi
phylum =Basidiomycota
classis =Hymenomycetes
ordo =Agaricales
familia =Bolbitiaceae
genus = "Panaeolus "
species = "P. africanus"
binomial = "Panaeolus africanus"
binomial_authority = Ola'hmycomorphbox
name = Panaeolus africanus
whichGills = adnexed
whichGills2 = adnate
capShape = convex
howEdible=unknownPanaeolus africanus is a little brown mushroom which contains small amounts of the hallucinogen
psilocybin . It has been found in central Africa and southern Sudan.Description
This is a little brown mushroom that grows on hippopotamus and elephant dung and has black spores. The cap is up to 2 cm across, gray, conic, often with scaly cracks. It is viscid when moist and the flesh is grey to white. The gills are grayish when young and turn black with a mottled appearance as the spores mature. The stem is 4 cm by 5 mm, at the top. The spores are black, rather variable, 13 x 9 micrometres, shaped like almonds. Macroscopically, this species resembles
Panaeolus semiovatus var. phalaenarum .External links
* [http://www.mushroomjohn.org/panaeolusafricanus1.htm Mushroom John - Panaeolus africanus]
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