

Thorium-229 is a radioactive isotope of Thorium that decays by alpha emission with a half life of 7340 years.229Th is produced by the decay of uranium-233, and its principal use is for the production of the medical isotopes actinium-225 and bismuth-213. [ [ Report to Congress on the extraction of medical isotopes from U-233] . U.S. Department of Energy. March 2001]

Gamma ray spectroscopy has indicated that 229Th has a nuclear isomer with a remarkably low excitation energy. Recent measurements of higher-energy gamma rays give 7.6 eV as the energy of the 3/2+ state, with an uncertainty of 0.5 eV.cite journal|author=B. R. Beck et al. |title=Energy splitting in the ground state doublet in the nucleus 229Th" |journal=Physical Review Letters|volume= 98|pages=142501|date=2007-04-06| url= |doi=10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.142501 ] This would make it the lowest-energy nuclear isomer known, and it might be possible to excite this nuclear state using lasers with wavelengths in the vacuum ultraviolet. [cite journal|author=E. Peik and C. Tamm|journal=Europhysics Letters|volume=61|title=Nuclear laser spesctroscopy of the 3.5 eV transition in 229Th| pages=181186|date=2003-01-15| url=|doi=10.1209/epl/i2003-00210-x] The half life of this excited state is not known, though it is estimated at 5 hours.


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