- Industrial Disputes Act
The Industrial Disputes Act extends to the whole of India. It came into force
April 1 ,1947 .Objectives:
The objective of the Industrial Disputes Act is to secure industrial peace and harmony by providing machinery and procedure for the investigation and settlement of industrial disputes by negotiations.
The Act also lays down
# The provision for payment of compensation to the Workman on account of closure or lay off or retrenchment.
# The procedure for prior permission of appropriate Government for laying off or retrenching the workers or closing down industrial establishments
# Unfair labour practices on part of an employer or a trade union or workers.Applicability
The Industrial Disputes Act extends to whole of India and applies to every industrial establishment carrying on any business, trade, manufacture or distribution of goods and services irrespective of the number of workmen employed therein. Every person employed in an establishment for hire or reward including contract labour, apprentices and part time employees to do any manual, clerical,skilled, unskilled, technical, operational or supervisory work, is covered by the Act. This Act though does not apply to persons mainly in managerial or administrative capacity,persons engaged in a supervisory capacity and drawing > 1600 p.m or executing managerial functions and persons subject to Army Act, Air Force and Navy Act or those in police service or officer or employee of a prison.
Applicability of Parent Act (Unknown Act - )
* None
Related Sections Of The Act
* Section 1 : Short title, and commencement
* Section 9-B: Power of Government to exemptImportant Definitions
* Section 2A : Appropriate Government
* Section 2BB: Banking company
* Section 2G : Employer
* Section 2J : Industry
* Section 2K : Industrial dispute
* Section 2KA: Industrial establishment or undertaking
* Section 2KK: Insurance company
* Section 2LA: Major port
* Section 2LB: Mine
* Section 2N : Public utility service
* Section 2O : Railway company
* Section 2RR: WagesRelated Schedules
* Schedule I - S 2(n)(6): Industries Which May Be Declared Public Utility Services
* Schedule II - S7 : Matters Within The Jurisdiction Of Labour Courts
* Schedule III - S 7A : Matters Within The Jurisdiction Of Industrial TribunalReferences
* http://labour.delhigovt.nic.in/act/html_ida/introduction/introduction.html
* http://pblabour.gov.in/pdf/acts_rules/inustrial_disputes_act_1947.pdf
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