David Piesse

David Piesse

David Piesse is a hockey coach currently based in the UK.

David has played and coached all over the south of England, for club, and county.

David set up two businessess in 2006, Goddelijk Hockey, and Hockey Camps UK while reading Geography in Portsmouth.

Web Design

In 2002, LoTR - The Fifth Age was launched by David as a development of his original MMORPG Wizards. In 2006 the game was closed down, after the company was merged with another online game business Mike Taykin Software, to become Taykin-Piesse. LoTR-TFA, was a text-based MMORPG loosely based around the writings of J. R. R. Tolkien. Before the sale of LoTR-TFA, a 2D graphical tile-based game was in development, but was never completed.

David Piesse has also produced many websites for hockey clubs and organisations, including the University of Portsmouth Hockey Club, and Chippenham HC (no longer under David's designs).