- Adam Taliaferro
Adam Taliaferro (b.
January 1 ,1982 inMoon Township, Pennsylvania ) is a formerAmerican football player whose recovery from a paralyzingspinal cord injury sustained while playingcornerback for the Penn State Nittany Lions gained national media attention.Pound Ball and high school career
Growing up in
Voorhees Township, New Jersey , he was a standoutrunning back and cornerback for theEastern Vikings . In two years of varsity football at Eastern High School, he averaged 9.4 yards per carry, racking up 62touchdown s, and seven Interceptions. Taliaferro was also a four year varsity starter inbasketball , and set his school's record in thehigh jump at 6' 6".Penn State career
In 2000, Taliaferro joined the
Penn State Football team as one of the top-rated Fact|date=September 2008 freshman of their 2000 recruiting class. Taliaferro earned playing time as a true freshman forJoe Paterno 'sNittany Lions , despite Paterno's well-documented policy of redshirting freshman players.On
September 23 ,2000 , while playing in only the fifth game of his college career, Taliaferro sustained a career-endingspinal cord injury while tackling tailbackJerry Westbrooks during Penn State's game versus Ohio State. Taliaferro's helmet had hit Westbrooks' knee during the tackle, bursting the fifth cervical vertebra in his neck and bruising hisspinal cord . Unable to control his fall, the crown of his helmet hit the turf and his body rolled awkwardly over his neck. Taliaferro wasparalyzed on the hit, which left him with no movement from the neck down.Recovery
Taliaferro had surgery at the
Ohio State Medical Center to fuse his C-5 vertebrate. After successful surgery, Taliaferro was airlifted back toThomas Jefferson University Hospital inPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania to begin his recovery. Although surgery was successful, Taliaferro was only given a 3% chance of ever walking again. Fact|date=September 2008He began his well-publicized rehab at
Magee Rehabilitation inPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania . After eight months of rehab, Taliaferro had learned to walk again.Return to Penn State
Taliaferro returned to
Penn State less than a year after his injury. He led the Penn State Nittany Lions football team ontoBeaver Stadium 's field for the first game of the 2001 season against theMiami Hurricanes in front of a record crowd of 105,000 fans. Taliaferro skipped, then jogged onto the field in front of an emotional Penn State crowd.He remained part of the football team as a student-assistant coach under
Joe Paterno . Although he only played in five games, Taliaferro became and remains one of the more popular and recognizable football players to come through the Penn State Football program. Fact|date=September 2008 Taliaferro earned aBachelor of Science in Labor and Industrial Relations from Penn State in 2005."Miracle in the Making" & The Adam Taliaferro Foundation
In 2001, a book was written by Sam Carchidi to chronicle Taliaferro's life and recovery, entitled "
Miracle in the Making ".Taliaferro created his own foundation to help support others with spinal cord injuries. The foundation was created in 2001, and continues to grow each year. The foundation has been said to raise over $80,000 per year for spinal cord injuries.
Taliaferro is now enrolled at
Rutgers School of Law - Camden inCamden, New Jersey . He is scheduled to earn hisJ.D. in May 2008. Taliaferro also is amotivational speaker , doing corporate appearances and speaking at schools.External links
* [http://www.taliaferrofoundation.org Adam Taliaferro Foundation website]
* [http://www.collegian.psu.edu/archive/2006/10/10-21-06cm/10-21-06dsports-column-01.asp "I truly feel blessed"] , "The Daily Collegian ", October 21, 2006
* [http://pennstate.scout.com/2/426359.html "Catching Up With Adam Taliaferro"] , Audio interview, August 19, 2005
* [http://cbs.sportsline.com/print/collegefootball/story/8469538 "After neck injury, Taliaferro still dreams about the NFL"] , "Associated Press ", May 13, 2005
* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D06EED71F30F933A15751C0A9679C8B63&sec=health&spon=&pagewanted=all "Taking Purposeful Strides"] , "The New York Times ", February 20, 2001
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