Alessandro Carabelli

Alessandro Carabelli

Alessandro Carabelli is a jazz pianist and composer with strong background in the fields of classical music, jazz music, music history, harmony and composition who has over fifteen years experience as a performer in international jazz events.

After M.S. in Economics from Milan University, Alessandro Carabelli received a solid musical training, obtaining his Diploma in jazz piano, harmony and composition from the Milan Jazz School, and he has attended of seminars in harmony and composition led by major musicians: Ennio Morricone, Chick Corea, Lee Konitz, Barney Kessel, Marco Detto.

One of Italy’s leading jazz pianists, over the course of his career he has performed and recorded with some of the most important musicians such as: Bob Mover, Lee Konitz, John Arnold, Gary Windo, Franco Ambrosetti, Franco Cerri, Stefano Bagnoli, Enzo Scoppa, Dodo Goja, Giulio Visibelli, Paolo Pelegatti, Gianni Basso, Fabio Jeger, Tony Arco, Marco Ratti among them.

He has performed in several international jazz festivals, among which: “Lago Maggiore Jazz Festival” (Italy), “LIUC Jazz Festival” (Italy), “St. Remo in Jazz" (Italy), “Mentone Jazz Festival” (France), “Estival Jazz” (Switzerland), “Jazz a` Monaco” (Principality of Monaco), Varese Jazz Festival(Italy) and in the most prestigious clubs touring the U.S. and Europe.

Very active even as a composer, in February 2004, he released CD “Over and Out” (Splasc(h) Records) with the Alessandro Carabelli Group, and in September 2006 he released “Aphrodite” for Nagel Hayer Records, with the Alessandro Carabelli Group and Franco Ambrosetti.


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