Indalecio Liévano

Indalecio Liévano

Indalecio Liévano Aguirre was a Colombian politician and diplomat (Bogotá, 24 July 1917 – Bogotá, 29 March 1982). He studied Law and got his lawyer's degree in 1944, and he was member of the Colombian History Academy since 1950. After some diplomatic offices during the 1940s and 1950s, Liévano was elected to the Chamber of Representatives in 1964 and to the Senate in 1970. In 1974 President Alfonso López Michelsen appointed Liévano as foreign minister and he became the "star minister" in that government. In 1976 Liévano acted as interim president for a number of days. In 1978 he left the ministry, and was elected President of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

When Liévano died, his name was named as a possible candidate for President.

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