Pipeline Open Data Standard

Pipeline Open Data Standard

The Pipeline Open Data Standard is a database modeling initiative dedicated to gas and liquid gathering, transmission and distribution pipeline systems. The PODS Association is a not for profit industry trade organization that maintains and supports the industry pipeline relational data model.

The PODS Association is composed of pipeline industry members including operators, service providers, government agencies, and associations. Membership dues are used to fund technical committee activities, membership activities such as email, technical and administrative support, and the website. The Association is governed by a Board of Directors; technical oversight of the standards is managed by the Technical Committee; and day to day activities are managed by the Executive Director.

The Board of Directors is composed of eleven (11) industry leaders. Approximately one-half of the positions are elected annually. The by-laws require that at least six of the eleven positions be held by pipeline operators.

The PODS Association is working with Oracle Spatial and ESRI to develop spatial implementations for each group. The relational data model is not spatially enabled but many companies are have spatialized it.

PODS Association History

The PODS Association began in 1998 as a Gas Research Institute (GRI) initiative to develop an expanded ISAT data model. The original ISAT 2.0 became PODS 2.0. In 2000, the volunteers leading the research incorporated as a for profit organization (in order to minimize incorporation costs). The first member was CenterPoint Energy and the Association had approximately 10 members. In 2002, the Association re-incorporated as a not for profit group. By early 2008, the PODS Association had more than 90 members.

PODS Model History

PODS 2.0, released in 2001, with less than 70 tables.

PODS 3.0, released in 2002, doubled in size, including several submodels.

PODS 3.1, released in 2003

PODS 3.2, released in 2004

PODS 3.2.1, released in 2004, maintenance release.

PODS 4.0, released in 2006, includes ILI submodel and documentation.

PODS 4.0.1, released in 2007, maintenance release.

PODS 4.0.2, released in 2007, maintenance release.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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