isoantigen — [ī΄sōan′tə jən] n. an antigen derived from one member of a species that can cause the production of antibodies in some other members of the same species … English World dictionary
isoantigen — /uy soh an ti jeuhn, jen /, n. (formerly) an alloantigen. [1935 40; ISO + ANTIGEN] * * * … Universalium
isoantigen — noun an immunologically active material (especially a protein or polysaccharide) that is present only in some individuals of a particular species; responsable for the formation of antibodies Syn: alloantigen … Wiktionary
isoantigen — 1. An antigenic substance that occurs only in some individuals of a species, such as the blood group antigens of humans. For specific isoantigens of blood group s, see the Blood Groups appendix. 2. Sometimes used as a synonym of alloantigen. * *… … Medical dictionary
Isoantigen — I|so|an|ti|gen [↑ iso (3)]: ↑ Antigen … Universal-Lexikon
Isoantigen — I̱so|anti|gen [↑iso... u. ↑Antigen] s; s, e: Stoff, der die Blutgruppenspezifität vermittelt … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
isoantigen — iso·antigen … English syllables
isoantigen — n. an antigenic substance that occurs only in some individuals of a species. Thus the antigens of the HLA system are isoantigens, as are the agglutinogens of the different blood groups … The new mediacal dictionary
isoantigen — i•so•an•ti•gen [[t]ˌaɪ soʊˈæn tɪ dʒən, ˌdʒɛn[/t]] n. imv (formerly) an alloantigen … From formal English to slang
isoantigen — … Useful english dictionary