Eucalyptus cornuta

Eucalyptus cornuta

name = Yate
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Myrtales
familia = Myrtaceae
genus = "Eucalyptus"
species = "E. cornuta"
binomial = "Eucalyptus cornuta"
binomial_authority = Labill.|

"Eucalyptus cornuta", commonly known as Yate, is a tree which occurs in an area between Busselton (33°4′S) and Albany (35 °S) in Western Australia.

Its height can range between 2 and 25 metres in its native habitat, although in cultivation it is usually a medium to large tree ranging between 10 and 20 metres.

The tree produces clusters of long, horn-shaped buds which are followed by prolific, showy, green to yellow flowers between summer and winter. It has rough bark on the trunk which contrasts with the smooth bark of the upper part of the tree.


*"Eucalyptus macrocera" Turcz. (1849)

ee also

*List of Eucalyptus species
*Bushy Yate ("Eucalyptus lehmannii")
*Flat-topped Yate, Swamp Yate ("Eucalyptus occidentalis")
*River Yate ("Eucalyptus macrandra")
*Soak Yate ("Eucalyptus aspratilis")
*Warty Yate ("Eucalypus megacornuta")


*Holliday, I and Watton, G (1980) "A Gardener's Guide to Eucalypts". Rigby.
* [ FloraBase – The Western Australian Flora: "Eucalyptus cornuta"]
*APNI | name = "Eucalyptus cornuta" Labill. | id = 60459

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