Eucalyptus macrandra

Eucalyptus macrandra

name = "Eucalyptus macrandra"
image_caption = 'Long-flowered Marlock', 'River Yate'
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Myrtales
familia = Myrtaceae
genus = "Eucalyptus"
species = "E. macrandra "
binomial = " Eucalyptus macrandra "
binomial_authority = F. Muell.|

"Eucalyptus macrandra", Long-flowered Marlock or River Yate, is a mallee Eucalyptus that is native to the south-west of Western Australia and noted for its large clusters of flowers and fruit.

It has a shrub (mallee) habit and occasionally grows to an 8 metre tree. Bark is smooth, pale grey and the forking, reaching limbs slender. The inflorescence is yellow to cream and form long lasting displays during Nov–April. The fruit are red which, when massed with flowers and bright green leaves, form an attractive display. It is found in a variety of soil types in areas north of Albany and favours river plains or depressions. It occurs in semi-arid regions of the south-west of the state, such as the Dryandra Woodland.


"Eucalyptus macrandra" is easily grown from seed, but requires good drainage and a dry, frost-free climate. It is used for bonsai, suburban street trees and is cultivated in countries outside of Australia.


* [ Florabase – The Western Australian Flora: "Eucalypyus macrandra"]
* [ – image of species]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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