

Anaxibia (Ancient Greek: polytonic|Άναξίβια) is the name of five characters in Greek mythology.

*Anaxibia, the daughter of Bias and Iphianassa, and niece of Melampus. She married Pelias, to whom she bore Acastus, Pisidice, Pelopia, Hippothoe, Alcestis, and Medusa. [Hyginus, Fabulae, 51. LI. Alcestis [] ] [Apollodorus. "Library", [ 1.9.10] .]

*Anaxibia, daughter of Atreus and Aerope or, alternatively, of Pleisthenes and Aerope or Pleisthenes and Cleolla (daughter of Dias), and sister of Agamemnon and Menelaus. [Hesiod. "Catalogue of Women", 69: Agamemnon [] ] In other sources the sister of the Atrides is instead called Astyoche (they may be the same person). Astyoche married Strophius, king of Phocis, becoming mother of Pylades. [Hyginus, Fabulae, 117. CXVII. Clytemnestra. [] ] [Hyginus, Fabulae. 119. CXIX. Orestes [] ]

*Anaxibia, one of the Danaids, married to Archelaus, son of Aegyptus. [Apollodorus. "Library", [ 2.1.5] .]

*Anaxibia, daughter of Cratieus. She married Nestor and is the mother of Pisidice, Polycaste, Perseus, Stratichus, Aretus, Echephron, Peisistratus, Antilochus, and Thrasymedes. More commonly, Eurydice is considered to be Nestors's wife and the mother of these children. [Apollodurus. "Library", [ 1.9.9] .]

*Anaxibia, a naiad of the River Ganges. She fled from the advances of Helios. Artemis hid her beneath Mount Koryphe. [ [ Theoi Project - Helios Loves] ]


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