Union Académique Internationale

Union Académique Internationale

The Union Académique Internationale (IUAInternational Union of Academies) is the oldest and largest federation of Academies having a national character and created for international cooperation.. Founded in 1919, the aim of the IUA is to "encourage cooperation in the advancement of studies through collaborative research and publications in those branches of learning promoted by the Academies and institutions represented in the IUA - philology, archeology, history, the moral, political and social sciences.". [ [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/description_en.asp] Statutes of the IUA, October, 1919] It has hundreds of member organizations from 39 different countries, and is organized under Belgian law as an international association having the pursuit of knowledge/learning as its aim.

Current activities

As an international organization of learned societies and academies, the IUA has a disproportionate influence compared to its relatively small budget. Its approval of a project can bring in funding from other international organizations and it routinely works with UNESCO and CIPSH (an organization which it helped to found in 1949). The IUA can fund projects either through its member organizations (some of which are themselves very large, such as the American Council of Learned Societies in the United States) or through the action of its Bureau (see officers and staff below). The organization currently supports 51 different projects.

Projects can fall into one of the following categories:

*Category A. Projects directly depending on a member Academy. Nevertheless, they are to be approved by the General Assembly of the UAI in order to obtain its patronage. The member Academy nominates a director, who is assisted by an international committee (approved by the UAI). An annual report is submitted to the General Assembly. The finances are assured by the member Academy, while the UAI has only scholarly responsibility. In justified cases it may also support the project by financial aid according to its capabilities.

*Category B. Projects directly depending on the UAI, which assumes scholarly and financial direction, designates the director, and approves the international committee. An annual report is submitted to the General Assembly of the UAI. The research and ensuing publications are financed by the UAI according to its capabilities.

*Category C. Projects only patronized by the UAI. They are proposed by one or several member Academies. The UAI accords its patronage (endorsement) without any financial commitment. The member Academy designates the director, organizes the work and assures the finances. An annual report is submitted to the General Assembly of the UAI.

In addition, the member Academies, participating in projects in any of these catogeries, finance their own research work and provide the costs of their own publications in the framework of the project.


The projects either currently or previously supported by the UAI include (click on the link for the UAI website official description):
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_1_en.asp] Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum (CVA)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_2_en.asp] Alchimic texts
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_3_en.asp] Works of Grotius
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_4_en.asp] Customary of Indonesia
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_5_en.asp] Dictionnary of Medieval Latin
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_6a_en.asp] Tabula Imperii Romani (TIR)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_6b_en.asp] Forma Orbis Romani (FOR)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_7_en.asp] Unpublished historical documents concerning Japan
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_8_en.asp] Scholarly editions and editing
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_9_en.asp] Corpus philosophorum medii aevi
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_10a_en.asp] Codices Latini Antiquiores (CLA) and Xb. Chartae Latinae Antiquiores (ChLA)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_11a_en.asp] Concordances and indexes of the Islamic tradition
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_11b_en.asp] The encyclopaedia of Islam
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_12a_en.asp] Monumenta musicae byzantinae
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_12b_en.asp] Corpus scriptorum de re musica
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_13_en.asp] Dictionary of the terminology of international law
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_14_en.asp] Catalogus translationum et commentariorum
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_15_en.asp] Sumerian and Assyrian dictionaries
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_16_en.asp] Corpus vitrearum
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_17_en.asp] Internationale bibliography of Art of the Far East
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_18_en.asp] Pali dictionary
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_19_en.asp] Corpus of the troubadours
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_0_en.asp] Corpus Antiquitatum Americanensium
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_21_en.asp] The collected works of Erasmus
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_22_en.asp] Fontes Historiae Africanae (FHA)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_23_en.asp] Dictionaries
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_24_en.asp] Sources for philosophy of Art (originally Corpus theoriae artis)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_25_en.asp] History and Philology of Pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_26_en.asp] Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum (SNG)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_27_en.asp] Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum (CII)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_28_en.asp] Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (LIMC)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_29_en.asp] Polyglot lexicon of palaeography and Polyglot lexicon of codicology
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_30_en.asp] Corpus of constitution
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_31_en.asp] Atlas Linguarum Europae (ALE)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_32_en.asp] Bibliographies of the history of Art
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_33_en.asp] Critical inventory of Ramayana
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_34_en.asp] Complete works of Voltaire
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_35_en.asp] Index of Jewish Art
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_36a_en.asp] Language Atlas of the Pacific Area (LAPA)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_36b_en.asp] Language Atlas of China
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_36c_en.asp] Atlas of the language of Korea
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_37_en.asp] Corpus of coptic literary manuscripts
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_38_en.asp] New nautical glossary (JAL)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_39_en.asp] Langues of intercultural communication in the Pacific area
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_40a_en.asp] Corpus of Byzantine monumental paintings
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_40b_en.asp] Corpus of Mexican Muralism in America
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_41_en.asp] Corpus of Byzantine astronomers
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_42_en.asp] Corpus of Greek and Latin philosophical papyri
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_43_en.asp] Corpus iuris sanscriticu
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_44_en.asp] Corpus of Phoenician and Punic Antiquities
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_45_en.asp] Nouveau Recueil Complet des Fabliaux (NRCF)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_46_en.asp] Corpus Christianorum, series apocryphorum
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_47_en.asp] Corpus iuris islamici
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_48_en.asp] Atlas of the Greek and Roman world
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_49_en.asp] Greek and latin inscriptions (Corpora, Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum and Corpus of amphora stamps)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_50_en.asp] Sanskrit dictionary of the Buddhist texts from the Turfan finds
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_51_en.asp] Monumenta palaeographica medii aevi
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_52_en.asp] Clavis Monumentorum Litterarum Bohemiae (CMLB)
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_53_en.asp] Katalogisierung der orintalischen Handschriften in Deutschland
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_54_en.asp] Fuentes para la Historia del Teatro en Espana
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_55_en.asp] Fuentes narrativas para la historia del Rio de la Plata
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_56_en.asp] Sciences humaines en Europe centrale et orientale
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_57_en.asp] Moravia Magna
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_58_en.asp] Encyclopaedia Iranica
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_59_en.asp] Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_60_en.asp] Norse-Icelandic Skaldik Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_61_en.asp] Monde Scytho-sarmate et civilisation gréco-romaine
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_62_en.asp] Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_63_en.asp] Dictionnaire espagnol et international des Termes littéraires
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_64_en.asp] Middle Persian dictionary
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_65_en.asp] Corpus Epistolarum Ioannis Dantisci
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_66_en.asp] Histoire comparée des Littératures de langues européennes
* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/projects/proj_67_en.asp] La Chine et le Monde méditerranéen : Sources archéologiques et documents écrits jusqu'au Xe siècle
*Encyclopaedia of Indian Poetics
*Justi Lipsi Epistolae
*Europa humanistica
*Papyrus-Archives. Edition and Studies
*Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

2007 General Assembly

The 81st General Assembly of the UAI will be held in Oslo at the seat of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi), from Friday June 1 till Wednesday June 6, 2007.

In keeping with the decision of the Lisbon (2003) General Assembly, a one quarter of active UAI projects will be intensively reviewed by a panel of outside experts and reported on to the General Assembly. For 2007, those projects are:
*Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi (Averroes Latinus ; Averroes Arabicus ; Averroes Hebraicus);
*Moravia magna;
*Encyclopaedia Iranica;
*Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum;
*Norse-Icelandic Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages;
*Scytho-Sarmat World and Greek-Roman Civilisation;
*Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi;
*Spanish Dictionary of International Literary Terms;
*Middle Persian Dictionary;
*Corpus Epistularum Ioannis Dantisci;
*Compared History of Literature of European Languages.

The schedule for the 2007 Convention is as follows:
* June 1 --afternoon: Bureau session; evening: reception (buffet) at The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters;
* June 2 -- morning: Opening Assembly; afternoon: specific sessionClassics, Classicism and Civilisations”;
* June 3 -- morning: session with Foundations representatives; afternoon: scholarly sessions of the projects submitted to an annual evaluation;
*June 4 -- morning: Finance Committee and Ad hoc Committees; afternoon: sessions on the projects submitted to a four-year evaluation;
*June 5 -- morning: Commission for Internal Affairs; afternoon: excursion;
*June 6 -- morning: Closing Assembly and votes (reports, budget, elections).

Current officers and principal staff

The UAI is organized under a delegate and general assembly structure, with a bureau that is invested with the primary executive and administrative functions. The current officers and keys staff members are:

President: Agostino PARAVICINI BAGLIANI (Switzerland) 2004-2007Académie suisse des Sciences Humaines et sociales (Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences)

*Pasquale SMIRAGLIA (Italy) 2004-2007 (Unione Accademica Nazionale)
*Miklós MARÓTH (Hungary) 2006-2009 (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia)

*Lise HANNESTAD (Denmark) 2005-2008 (Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab)
*Gregory BONGARD-LEVIN (Russia) 2005-2008 (Academy des Sciences de Russie)
*Driss KHALIL (Morocco) 2004-2007 (Académie du Royaume du Maroc)
*Richard LARIVIERE (USA) 2004-2007 (American Council of Learned Societies)
*José REMESAL RODRIGUEZ (Spain) 2006-2009 (Real Academia de la Historia)
*Nicholas SIMS-WILLIAMS (United Kingdom) 2006-2009 (British Academy)

Secretary general: Léo HOUZIAUX (Académie royale de Belgique)

Deputy Secretary general: Jean-Luc DE PAEPE (Académie royale de Belgique)

External links

* [http://www.uai-iua.org/english/index_en.asp Official IUA website]


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