Protestantism in India

Protestantism in India

Protestants in India are a minority of several millions.

Beginning in the eighteenth century, Protestant missionaries began to work throughout India, leading to the growth of different Christian communities. In 1793 William Carey, an English Baptist Minister came to India as a Missionary. He worked in Serampore, Calcutta etc as a missionary. He started the Serampore College. He translated the Bible into Bengali and Sanskrit. He worked until his death in 1834.

Anthony Norris Groves, Plymouth Brethren missionary came to India in 1833. He worked in the Godavari delta area to Tamil Nadu. He worked in India until his death in 1852. Mormon missionaries, including Hugh Findlay, arrived in Bombay and Pune in the early 1850s, but did not meet success.

Most Protestant denominations are represented in India, the result of missionary activities throughout the country. The largest Protestant denomination in the country is the Church of South India, since 1947 a union of Presbyterian, Reformed, Congregational, Methodist, and Anglican congregations with approximately 2.2 million (22 lakh) members as of 1995. A similar Church of North India had 1 million (10 lakh) members. (These churches are in full communion with the Anglican Communion.) There were about 1.3 million (13 lakh) Lutherans, 473,000 Methodists, and 425,000 Baptists as of 1995. Pentecostalism, another denomination of Protestantism, is also a rapidly growing religion in India. It is spreading greatly in northern India and the southwest area, such as Kerala. The largest indigenous Pentecostal church in India is the India Pentecostal Church of God (IPC). Another prominent group is the Brethrens. They are known in different names Plymouth Brethren, Indian Brethren, Kerala brethren etc.
in IndiaThe Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of India counts more than 100,000 members.
Brethren ChurchAn old denomination is the Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Evangelical Lutheran ChurchThere is persecution of Christians including arson of churches. []

List of Baptist denominations

**Ao Baptist Arogo Mungdang ( Ao Baptist Churches Convention)
**Apatani Christian Fellowship
**Assam Baptist Convention
**Baptist Christian Association
**Baptist Church of Mizoram
**Baptist Union of North India
**Bengal Baptist Fellowship
**Bengal Orissa Bihar Baptist Convention
**Council of Baptist Churches in Northern India
**Convention of Baptist Churches of the Northern Circars
**Evangelical Baptist Convention of India
**Garo Baptist Convention
**Gospel Association of India
**India Association of General Baptists
**Karbi Anglong Baptist Convention
**Karnataka Baptist Convention
**Lower Assam Baptist Union
**Maharashtra Baptist Society
**Manipur Baptist Convention
**Nagaland Baptist Church Council
**North Bank Baptist Christian Association
**Orissa Baptist Evangelical Crusade
**Rabha Baptist Church Union
**Samavesam of Telugu Baptist Churches
**Separate Baptists in Christ
**Seventh Day Baptist Church
**Tamil Baptist Churches
**Tripura Baptist Christian UnionSource of the list: World Christian Encyclopedia.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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