- Peter Lipton
Peter Lipton (
October 9 ,1954 –November 25 ,2007 ) was theHans Rausing Professor and Head of the Department ofHistory and Philosophy of Science atCambridge University , and a fellow of King's College, until his unexpected death in November 2007. According to his obituary on the Cambridge web site, he was "recognized as one of the leading philosophers of science and epistemologists in the world."Career
Lipton was an undergraduate at
Wesleyan University and a graduate student atOxford University . Before coming to Cambridge, he taught atClark University andWilliams College . He was a member of theNuffield Council onBioethics and chaired the working party that produced "Pharmacogenetics: Ethical Issues". He was also on theAskPhilosophers panel. In 2004, Lipton had the honour of being theMedawar Prize Lecturer of theRoyal Society .Lipton's research interests focused on the philosophy of science, including topics such as
explanation ,inference ,testing ,theory change ,laws of nature , andscientific realism . Lipton's research in philosophy of science led him to do work in other related areas of philosophy; inepistemology , Lipton also investigated the philosophy of induction and testimony. Likewise inphilosophy of mind Lipton researched notions ofmental content and themind-body problem .Personal life
Lipton lived with his wife Diana and two sons Jonah and Jacob. He was a self-confessed "religious atheist"; he held that he could follow the customs and culture of a Jewish lifestyle, and use the teachings of
Judaism to help him tackle moral problems in life, without simultaneously believing in themetaphysics of such a religion (such as the existence ofGod ).On 25 November 2007, Peter Lipton suffered a fatal
heart attack after playing a game of squash.elected publications
* "Wouldn't it be Lovely: Explanation and Scientific Realism", "Metascience" 14, 3 (2006) 331-361. (Review Symposium on the second edition of Inference to the Best Explanation, with James Ladyman, Igor Douven and Bas van Fraassen.)
* "Science and Religion: The Immersion Solution", in Andrew Moore & Michael Scott (eds) "Realism and Religion: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives" (Ashgate, forthcoming).
* "Waiting for Hume", in Marina Frasca-Spada & P.J.E. Kail (eds) "Impressions of Hume", Oxford University Press, 2005, 59-76.
* "The Truth about Science", "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society" B 360 (2005), 1259-1269.
* "Testing Hypotheses: Prediction and Prejudice", "Science" 307 (14 January 2005), 219-221.
* "Inference to the Best Explanation", Routledge, 1991; expanded second edition, 2004. ISBN 0-415-24202-9.
* "Epistemic Options", "Philosophical Studies" 121 (2004) 147-158.
* "What Good is an Explanation?", in G. Hon & S. Rackover (eds.), "Explanation: Theoretical Approaches", Kluwer, 2001, 43-59. Reprinted in J. Cornwell (ed.) Understanding Explanation, Oxford University Press, 2004, 1-22.
* "Genetic and Generic Determinism: A New Threat to Free Will?", in D. Rees and S. Rose (eds.) "Perils and Prospects of the New Brain Sciences" (CUP, 2004).
* "The Reach of the Law", "Philosophical Books", 43, 4, October 2002, 254-260.
* "Quests of a Realist", "Metascience", 10, 3 (2001), 347-353.
* "The History of Empiricism", "International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences", Pergamon, 2001, 4481-4485.
* "Is Explanation a Guide to Inference?", in G. Hon and S. Rackover (eds.), "Explanation: Theoretical Approaches", Kluwer, 2001, 93-120.
* "Inference to the Best Explanation", in W.H. Newton-Smith (ed.), "A Companion to the Philosophy of Science", Blackwell, 2000, 184-193.
* "Tracking Track Records", "Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society", Supplementary Volume LXXIV (2000), 179-205.
* "The Epistemology of Testimony", "Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science" 29A (1998), 1-31.
* "All Else Being Equal", "Philosophy" 74 (1999), 155-168.
* "Binding the Mind", in J. Cornwell (ed.), "Consciousness and Human Identity", Oxford University Press, 1998, 212-224.
* "Cambridge Contributions to the Philosophy of Science", in S. Ormrod (ed.), "Cambridge Contributions", Cambridge University Press, 1998, 122-142.
* "Is the Best Good Enough?", "Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society" XCIII (1993), 89-104; reprinted in D. Papineau (ed.), Philosophy of Science, Oxford Readings in Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 1996.
* "Popper and Reliabilism", in A. O"Hear (ed.), "Karl Popper: Philosophy and Problems", Royal Institute of Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 1995, 31-43.
* "Making a Difference", "Philosophica", Vol. 51, No. 1, 1993, 39-54. Reprinted in Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, 38, 3.4, 1994, 291-303.
* "Contrastive Explanation", in D. Knowles (ed.), "Explanation and its Limits", Cambridge University Press, 1990, 247-266; reprinted in D. Ruben (ed.), Explanation, Oxford Readings in Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 1993.
* "Causation Outside the Law", in H. Gross & T.R. Harrison (eds.), "Jurisprudence: Cambridge Essays", Oxford University Press, 1992, 127-148.External links
* [http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/news/peterlipton.html Obituary] on the University of Cambridge site
* [http://www.guardian.co.uk/obituaries/story/0,,2226394,00.html Obituary in "The Guardian", 13 December 2007]
* [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/12/17/db1702.xml Obituary in "The Telegraph", 17 December 2007]
* [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article3127854.ece Obituary in "The Times", 4 January 2008]
* [http://news.independent.co.uk/people/obituaries/article3321372.ece Obituary in "The Independent", 9 January 2008]
* [http://www.nuffieldbioethics.org Nuffield Bioethics]
* [http://www.askphilosophers.org AskPhilosophers Forum]
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